Shattered and Noise are in their new drawstring bags - a drawstring bag is required. I used some Echino and Melody Miller special fabrics, even with sparkles and sunglasses, oh and scooters too. Noise got a last minute wash when I noticed a tiny spot - gone now. They have hanging sleeves, as required (I used this wonderful tutorial from Jacquie at Tall Grass Prairie Studio). The quilts are labeled and the drawstring bags are labeled, as directed. Today I will make them a custom box, add the requisite forms and box labels and take them to Purolator - I don't trust the mail to get there in time. And I am late, the suggested mailing date was this past Monday. They will be off to QuiltCon.
But the purpose of this post is to be real. I have put these tasks of for two full weeks. Every day I was supposed to do this and get them out but I was stalled, stuck, worried. I sorted out the FAL, I organized a giveaway, I made a few scrappy trip along blocks. But I really could not do any other quilting or sewing either, because these things had to get done. So last night I tried to figure out why and to finally get this stuff done.
Although I did not set out to put quilts in a show, I thought this one would be a lark, people who make quilts like mine, would be entering - I would be with "my people". At my work, I do hard stuff which is judged, well, by judges, most days - I have a healthy supply of self esteem and confidence. I have already "won" in my own eyes, just getting to have quilts hung in the show is an honour enough for me.
So why the difficulty? I guess maybe it is trying something new, putting myself out there, wondering if people will be thinking "this quilt does not really belong here - who does she think she is", or just bringing attention to myself with this greater group of people - I am not sure.
Today I though maybe I would share that - I really do try to keep this blog to cheerful sharing and sometimes it is helpful for me and for you to share my challenges too. This is my big progress for the last two weeks, two cute, simple drawstring bags, two hanging sleeves, and four labels. Do you ever get stuck on the easy parts too?
Oh, and if you have not entered that giveaway, it is here, has no hoops, is for a beautiful thing and the comments are full of stories that will make you smile - they have been making me smile for sure.
I had the same issues with getting my QuiltCon entry off - I just kept pushing it away. Finally on Saturday I made my bag (a simply muslin one, unlike your gorgeous ones!) and made my labels and got it all posted. Not sure what my issue was, but similar feelings to what you've described...
You belong in that group of quilters and then some. But I understand where you are coming from. I still do not view myself as a proper quilter. Not sure how long it will take before I manage to convince myself.
it's funny - I put it off for ages too. I kept finding excuses (none of them good). Even when it was all packed up the parcel sat on my table for almost a week before I posted it. It's gone now, though, so I just hope they make it there ok!
Thank you for sharing your heart even in its hesitancy. It made me ache for you understanding the idea of fear, but it also made me glad I follow you. It confirmed that I want to know more about your quilting journey, thank you.
I think this post will be validating for a lot of people. Why did it take me over 2 years to complete a quilt for my nephew's wedding? I got stuck at each new step. All things I had done before, but the doubt creeps in. Should I put this applique here or there? Is the border wide enough to make the quilt big enough? Can I really cut this scalloped edge? But then it feels so great to finally get it done and cross it off the list!
Leanne, you're so not alone! I just put the labels and sleeves on last night and will post my quilties tomorrow.
Thank you for being real L! I think we all get stuck from time to time, and for different reasons. And perhaps making those simple items weren't a creative enough task either! I'm sure they will be well received and appreciated by those who are lucky enough to get to see them for real! Jxo
Sometimes taking that final step out of your comfort zone can be really hard - but your quilts are wonderful and they will be a hit - and they are MEANT to be there! Who knows, maybe they will come home with a rosette,but even if they don't, you've done something new and brave and you can feel very proud of yourself!
I am absolutely identifying so you are definitely not alone. Good for you for sharing and overcoming!
Yup. Completely agree. Must be a woman thing!
I understand too. When I had to ship off a quilt for a show -first time ever!- I procrastinated and was nervous to send it...maybe because I hadn't made the quilt to be in a show, and thought that once people saw it close up instead of just a picture, maybe they wouldn't think I was such a good quilter after all. Where do those feelings come from?! I guess it takes a mind shift when you create something for you and then it ends up being seen (and admired!) by many. Your work is beautiful, and I for one will be glad to see it in person:)
Your quilts definitely belong in that show and you belong in that group of quilters...but I know what you mean! I've entered a quilt in two shows (open entry but judged for prizes) and each time I've dithered about whether I should have entered, I think the fact that I'd paid to enter them compelled me to send them! I hate making hanging sleeves, though, and for the show I enter you have to stitch a huge sticky label onto the back of the quilt - I detest doing it! What's the drawstring bag for? To keep it safe and clean before and after the show? Will you get them back? Hope so!!
I think we all are our own biggest critics. Your quilts are lovely and the way you have bagged them is perfect. Now I wish I were going to QuiltCon but it just was not in the cards for me this year.
I'd be just the same too. But believe me, you totally deserve to be there!
You totally deserve to have your quilts hanging there! I wouldn't have even entered anything I made because I feel it wouldn't come up to scratch, so can understand your Wobblies completely.
I think it can be very interesting when circumstances make us look at ourselves in a different way and question our actions too.
I have been teaching for 9 yrs now and still tell my students about "proper" quilters.
Safe journey little quilts.x
Your quilts and bags are fabulous, and will be greatly appreciated in the exhibition I'm sure! I know what you mean though, every time I put a tute or anything up online, I keep expecting someone to say 'Who the hell do you think you are trying to teach this stuff?' I'm certainly not at the 'entering in a show' stage!
Hmmmm....not unlike me with granny's quilt. It seems you and I are riding the same rails lately. I guess you better hop a plane and come
Yep, I put everything off til the last minute if I can! You totally deserve to have your quilts in the show, they'll be loved by all who view them!
Not only do your quilts deserve to be in that show, but other people deserve to see them! They are fabulous Leanne and it is right for you to share them. BTW those drawstring bags are fabulous!
Leanne I can't think of anyone who deserves to be there more!!
You have sent the most awesome quilts in the most stylish bags, be proud!
I can obviously say this, being less talented and way more chicken than you!
I think the easy bits are always the hardest to do!
Very honest. It's funny how our thoughts trip us up sometimes isn't it?
Leanne, your post really strikes a chord. I can zip through a long list of 'to do' but avoid a certain one until it seems much bigger than it actually is! Di x
I totally agree, its weird how we put things off, even simple things because of our mindset, and then generally after it's done, we wonder why we took so long to do something that was a breeze.
Thoughtful post, Leanne...and yes, I totally get stuck in a rut on very easy projects....I've got a couple right now in fact.
On the flip side, I am really excited for you to have your quilts going to Quiltcon....I think it is so cool and you are so deserving!
You can see from the 27 comments above me that you're not alone. It's funny how we become mentally stuck on the "smallest" things. Come on - two (gorgeous!!!) bags were not a sewing challenge for you, but its taking you to a new step. I think we're a lot alike in that we have stressful "day" jobs and sewing is our own personal happiness. Sending your quilts out for others to see is COMPLETELY exciting, but it is opening you up to a new public quilting experience. I think we'd all have to take pause and gather ourselves a bit. Your quilts are gorgeous and you'll be so glad that you shared them with the world. The quilty world will be so happy to see them!
I haven't mailed mine..... Yikes. I made a bag, the labels. Still need to put on the sleeve. Gah. I'd better get on the stick, as they say.
I know where you are coming from completely Leanne but I can't imagine anyone thinking that about your quilts and quilters on the whole are a pretty good bunch of people. So glad they are winging their way to the exhibition in their gorgeous coats - it will be so exciting for you to see them up!
Congrats on getting your quilts into QuiltCon, Leanne - I just took a look at them and they are both wonderful and definitely deserving of acceptance!
I felt much the same way as you when one of mine got in - I was hopeful but not expectant. I can't wait to see your quilts in person when I attend.
Keep up the wonderful work. I'm also promoting your finish-along on my blog tomorrow (Saturday). What a great idea!
I can totally relate to putting off those tasks you know need doing. Glad you got unstuck because I'm looking forward to seeing your quilts at QuiltCon! I admire your work and hope I get a chance to meet you next month!
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