Welcome to if you're shopping.... On Fridays I will share with you the news from my sponsors, in case you want to do a little shopping, or even window shopping, this weekend.
Mad about Patchwork has Wildwood by Elizabeth Olwen in stock. These are printed on organic cotton by Cloud 9 and are fantastic.
Sew Sisters has a 100 piece charm pack of Denyse Schmidt Modern Solids. If you are looking for just a bit of a lot of solid colours, this seems to be a perfect choice.
Over at the Fat Quarter Shop I found this fantastic bundle of low volume historic 19th Century Shirtings by Erin Turner. I have a quilt in mind for just a bundle like this. The FQS now has their Wishes Quilt Along Quilt up for auction. All proceeds go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, so share the word or make a bid.
Massdrop has 2 packs of 5900 metre (6452 yard) cones of Aurifil thread on, you can pick from 8 different colours. I use these large cones for piecing and quilting all the time.
At Green Fairy Quilts the bargains continue. My favourite today is this jelly roll of fantastic dotted fabrics called Dottie! And they have all their Aurifil thread packs on for 40% off - I may have just bought three!

Oakshott Fabrics have put together a free Quick Makes booklet of projects you can make with their Fat Eights mini packs of the beautiful Colourshott fabrics, even more inspiration for using these fabrics.
At Green Fairy Quilts the bargains continue. My favourite today is this jelly roll of fantastic dotted fabrics called Dottie! And they have all their Aurifil thread packs on for 40% off - I may have just bought three!

Oakshott Fabrics have put together a free Quick Makes booklet of projects you can make with their Fat Eights mini packs of the beautiful Colourshott fabrics, even more inspiration for using these fabrics.
I'm still in love with the she can quilt blogger's bundle over at Fabric Spark. My give away for this bundle is over (winner will be announced on Saturday) but you can still buy a bundle just like mine if you like.
I know this post is late today, it's been a week. I hope you enjoy your weekend!