I wanted to look back on 2015 and record some quilty milestones and accomplishments. In 2015:
- I had a lot of fun quilting.
- Breathe won first place in the QuiltCon show's Minimalism category and she was chosen to tour with the MQG exhibit. Breathe is my favourite of all the quilts I have made.
- Echoes was published as a pattern in the first ever QuiltCon Magazine.
- Echoes won first place in the Modern Wall and Bed Quilts category at Quilt Canada.
- Echoes was also chosen for the Modern Quilt Guild Exhibit at the Houston International Quilt Festival in October and she will be at the Quiltcon show in February 2016 in Pasadena CA.
- My first pattern in a book was published in Krista Hennebury's - Poppyprint - book Make it, Take it.
- Stephanie - Spontaneous Threads - and I conceived of and were a part of a fantastic quilting bee with the best bee mates - Bee Sewcial and it will continue into year 2.
- I am a part of an international round robin group to make a mini quilt, again with a wonderful, talented group of quilters - which has been fun and far more challenging than I expected.
- Nicky - Mrs. Sew and Sow - and I successfully hosted Scraptastic Tuesday for the whole year.
- I went to Spring Quilt Market.
- I went to QuiltCon.
- I taught my first quilting class in Inuvik, Northwest Territories.
- I made almost exclusively quilts, which was what I wanted to focus my sewing time on doing.
Overall, 2015 was a fantastic quilting year for me.
A 2016 word - intention.
I don't normally do this "word" to be guided by thing, but I keep coming back to intention so I am going to have a word after all. Intention in my actions, my choices, my time, whatever. I hope to look back on 2016 and feel less buffeted about by things. I might have to make a small quilt to remind me.
I plan to be more engaged on my blog this year. My plan is to share more of my creative journey and progress as well as more tutorials. Nicky and I will continue to host Scraptastic Tuesday and as I mentioned the other day, I will be one of the global community of Finish-A-Long hosts too. I hope to use instagram more consistently. I might even make friends with Facebook, we shall see on that one.
I also plan to engage with modern quilters at QuiltCon and hope to be able to attend one of the Quilt Markets. I am giving some thought to entering a show or three as well, but first it is time to make some of the new quilts that live in my imagination to enter.
I have so many patterns in my head to write up and to try out. I am hoping to get two written and tested shortly - Consider and Twirl - and I know I have said that before and did not do it. This year is going to be my year for patterns - both for sale and as tutorials, that is one of my intentions. (see, maybe that word thing will work).

So stay tuned, I think that 2016 will be a fun year!
All the best to you and yours for the New Year and thank you all for inspiring me and supporting me.