I arrived after the movers had unloaded the boxes - having stayed behind to supervise the load up of the truck. This was the view of my sewing room from the end by the door. Now if you know about my long arm machine, you will be thinking, great, she kept the box and yikes it is not set upright. I did fix that right away, and the machine is fairly well packed in the box anyway.

This is looking the other way on the first day. Also, there are not great photos, having been taken with my iphone and then not edited one bit. Editing does not really assist, the situation was dismal.

The first step was to sort the boxes some and start unpacking the fabric.

That progressed well, but the boxes stacked where the long arm was to go were just sitting there.

As I find more fabric tucked here and there, I have been adding it to the rainbow shelves. The fabric in the open shelves will, hopefully be sorted and put in a shelf with a door in the end.

This was my view this morning, from my sewing machine. It being Saturday, that meant that is was a day off, and thus could be a day devoted to just unpacking my stuff. I know the logic has many flaws but I spent the day in this room. The other deciding factor was that the temperature did a nose dive and it was cool all day.

And that is basically how I left the room. I unpacked all the boxes in the middle of the room and about 8 or so that had been stacked by the sewing machine at the big window (see the third photo from the top). My old sewing spaces were sewing, knitting, crafting, office stuff and the family photo sort project. So I had to figure out where to tuck all those bits away.

As you can see from this angle, there is still a lot of tucking away to do. I have to get some project sized bins I think. But there are empty shelves still too, so it is a matter of sorting and organizing.

Tomorrow my DH is here and he will help me put the long arm together in that empty space. There are still a number of boxes lining the wall to the right in that photo and when they are empty one more shelf can go there if needed - and if so I'm going to have to make a portable design wall. Oh and I have to do something about those old curtains, and bring up my other cutting table, and there may be another 5 small boxes of bits in the living room - there is still lots to do.
In the end I am going to fill up this new large space, but it will mean that all my sewing, knitting, crafting, photo, etc. stuff is together and handy. It will be great.
In the meantime, Nicky from Mrs. Sew and Sow and I have been checking out the scrappy projects linked up at the August Scraptastic Tuesday Link up. If you have not linked up a scrappy project - in progress or finished - or your thoughts on taming your scrap mountain this month (one link per person), please do so as we have wonderful prizes to award randomly to those link - go here.
Hi Leanne! It will be great! Lot of work but I also like to organize and get everything in place. I hope you finish soon and can start to sew! Good that weather is cooler. x Teje
That's a lot of boxes! But it will all be worth it in the end
That's a lot of boxes! But it will all be worth it in the end
Oh my goodness, lots of hard work but what a great space you have there!
Yeah! You are getting there when you can spot some empty floor spaces!
You must be tuckered - so much work and that's just 1 room! Glad DH will be there soon to help and hopefully your room will be in order - or at least workable - before you know it!
Oh, but what a fab space to have!! Lots and lots of work but it'll be worth it. Hang in there!
Oh, but what a fab space to have!! Lots and lots of work but it'll be worth it. Hang in there!
Oh, but what a fab space to have!! Lots and lots of work but it'll be worth it. Hang in there!
Love your doored cabinets. Do you remember source? Thanks!
What a fantastic space and getting to go through all of it is a huge task but such fun!!! Lovely!
What a wonderful space Leanne! You've made good progress with your unpacking, that must feel great. Love your rainbow shelves of fabric they look gorgeous and so inspiring. Are they by any chance Billy bookshelves? I've been looking at doored versions of them for my stash, and your pictures may have just finalized that idea!
love where your sewing machine is sitting
Oh I feel for you! I faced that mess of boxes crammed into my sewing room every 3-4 years when my DH was active duty and it got so I hated seeing boxes! LOL I am so happy to be settled now. Good luck getting your room set up again.
It looks really good Leanne
Are those wood floors? You should paint them a happy color of matte paint. Maybe light yellow, or chevrons in Purple and orange -- just kidding lolol
I love all of the storage. I hope this place has a great view and that you will be happy and sewing very soon
Well...I must say that this is a sewing space from heaven....just wonderful...keep posting updates to cheer us all on..
your sorting out is going so well you will soon be back stitching, what a great room you have, do not get distracted by the lovely view from the big window
The end is in sight!
Leanne -- Looking good!! Love your sense of humor as you attack this (good) problem. This made me laugh!!
"Also, there are not great photos, having been taken with my iphone and then not edited one bit. Editing does not really assist, the situation was dismal."
I've been looking at your plus quilt again and it put me in mind of wondering how your young friend is doing with his chemo. I hope he's made good progress and will have a good report soon. I imagine your quilt was a huge comfort (literally) to him. Even putting aside for a minute how beautiful it is, just the thought that you cared enough to spend all that time to express your care and affection for him must symbolize for him everyone who is supporting him. Hope he and his family are doing okay.
Holy fabric stashes!
You're definitely getting there and winning the battle of the boxes!
I love this post! I just went through a move too and I am so happy to have my fabric unpacked! Good luck!
OMG how funny!!! I just moved back to Colorado from the Philly area and have been unpacking MY fabric! I think you're my sew sister!!! LOL! My fabric is in U-Haul boxes as well! And I have as much as you do! :) I love your glass door shelves!
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