I had some small bits left over from making my DQS11 mini quilt so I made this zippered bag. The sort-of-wonky nine patches have tiny 1/2" squares. It is has a bright lining. It could be yours.
To celebrate reaching and exceeding 100 followers of this blog, I am giving away a couple of things. First, a fat quarter pack of some of my favourite fabrics, Shades of Grey designed by Daisy Janie. It is organic fabric and it is wonderful to work with. I used it in the Big Little George wall quilt I made this spring.
Pink Chalk Fabrics have agreed to help me to avoid a huge shipping delay (from them in the USA to me in Canada to you wherever that may be) for this bundle I have purchased, and instead they will ship it directly to the winner.
I am also sending you the zippered bag. And I am going to cut up some some charm squares cut from my bright fabric stack to put inside. You have seen these fabrics in all my projects in the last two months, the modern crosses quilt, the farmer's wife blocks, the We can do it! Skill Builder Sampler blocks, my doll quilt swap quilt and this zippered bag. These bright colours are a treat to work with, maybe they will inspire you too. And they look great with the Shades of Grey!
To win, just leave me a comment, no hoops or obligations, although if you are not a follower I would love it if you became one. In your comment, let me know what you are quilting right now, what you excited about quilting next and/or what you had fun quilting over the last year. I will make the draw on Monday night and post the winner on Tuesday, August 16, 2011. (Please make sure I can reach you, if you are a no-reply blogger then put your email in the comment.)
This celebration is to thank you for being a friend. I really do appreciate the support, guidance and friendship the followers of my blog give to me. You inspire me and make me laugh. And I am still surprised to have over 100 followers!
By the way, today is also a blog-versary of sorts, this blog started on March 12, 2011, 5 months ago today.
ps, I am still making plum jam, I have made 5 batches so far, more tonight. Too bad it is so hard to ship or I could give some of it away too.
Congrats Leanne! I enjoy following your blog. Your jam looks so yummy!
The bag is darling. (I really need to get my pinterest up and going to keep track of things like this.)
Leanne - congrats on 100! wow. I really enjoy your blog, so YES, I am a follower! Right now I am excited to finish up my citrusy Summer Sampler quilt; next are some swap challenges - scary, but I need to face them. Not sure what 'big' quilt is next. . .
Congrats on 100 followers! I think I am a follower, I get you on my google reader at least. ;) I am working on finishing my baby girl's quilt. I need to finish the back (which I screwed up my design and need to go get more fabric). I am really looking forward to making Oh Fransson's New Wave quilt. I think I have all the fabric for that, well the backing should be here soon I hope. I don't have any favorites from the past year, since my pinwheel baby quilt is the first one I have done in over 2 years, and the second quilt overall. :) Thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats on the 100 followers. I would love a chance to win this lovely prize and I am a follower!
Love the bag, it's so cute with those teeny tiny squares, and a nice reminder of the gorgeous doll quilt.
Love the grey fabric, I've been thinking about making another grey quilt.
Wow so much plum jam, it looks really lovely but how many kilos of plums did you have to cut up to make that much? I hope you found a quicker way of cutting them up.
This is the first time I have checked the blogs I follow in a week and yours is one that I have to check. Love all that you post. Congrats!
Hi leanne as has been my inspiration your quilt circle (which I love for his colors brown and pink) I'm doing this quilt at this time. Thanks for sharing your work.
congratulations on having all those followers! i have some followers, but i don't think they actually read my blog.
as far as what i'm working on... i'm currently trying to stash bust with 36-patch blocks and being quite successful. i've busted over 7 yards of stash! however, i'm out of neutral fabrics so the stash busting has come to a halt for now. sad :(
Congrats on 100! You are so sweet to have a giveaway! Right now I'm working on finishing up the Summer Sampler Series blocks!
CUTE zipper bag!! Congrats on 100 followers AND for your 5 month blog-iversary!! That is awesome!!
Your jam looks wonderful!
I still haven't made more jam, but I did purchase sugar today... So tomorrow the plan is a whole bunch of plum jam... and maybe, just maybe, blackberry pie!
j'aime beaucoup la sobriété de la petite trousse ,elle est très jolie
bravo pour les confitures !!!!!!
bisous de Regina
5 months - 100 followers! WOW! Congratulations! I'm hand quilting my Spring Blossom mini quilt, binding my Olive and Wine Quilt and making Flying Geese for my Modern Sampler! Busy! Busy!
Congrats on your 100 Leanne - it is a pleasure to count you as a "blog pal"......I am almost finished quilting my Wonky 9 patch, I have some placemats to quilt, and of course I am immersed in my hexie obsession. I love your little pouch and those greys, well, they are yummy.
Really lovely giveaway.
in the middle of quilting a secret swap quilt For The Love Of Solids swap on Flickr, looking forward to finding the time to make the quilt ideas I constantly have in my head. I have lusted after that fabric but couldn't justify buying it! Follow you through Google Reader.
congratulations 100 followers well done!!
Today I'll finish 'quilting' my right slipper, the left I did yesterday. Next on the list is my huge AMH quilt.
My you've done well in just 5 months! I love the wee pouch and I loved Scrumptous George so I know those fabrics are to die for! I'm working on way too many things at the mo, Kaleidoscope quilt & 2 jelly roll quilts are the biggies. Hope to get some done on holiday next week. Thanks L for being a lovely blogger friend. Keep up the great posts. Jxo
Thats a lovely wee pouch :-) And that shades of grey bundle... Love it... I'm still working away on my stained pink quilt, but I've got to get on with my solids swap too. Congratulations on your 100 followers, and in five months too! Well done!
Leanne, congratulations on the over 100 followers and on the 5 months! And I wish you many more (of both).
Thank you so much for your generous giveaway, too and sorry for being a rather silent follower lately.
Right now I'm mostly waiting for a less busy time at work to be able to do some sewing and quilting again. There's so many things I'd love to make but I might just be the most excited about making a quilt for my sister-in-law - I'm in the middle of piecing the top. Next, probably (hopefully) backing my Australian quilt. And in the meantime - the blocks for We Can Do it!
(oops, sorry for such a long comment)
Congrats on reaching 100+ followers. That is awesome in only 5 months. I am currently working on a great number of projects but feverishly trying to finish a bag for my daughter to carry at school. Then I am going to have to focus on a sample for a QAL I am getting ready to do with Rachel at Contented. I hope you will have some fun with us. Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Beautiful bag and I have followed for a while!
Greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon county. Have a great weekend folks. Richard from Amish Stories.
You've been so busy! The jam looks amazing! and I love your little zippered pouch...too cute! Thanks for having such a lovely blog. =)
WOW Leanne, 100 followers in only 5 months! I think my whole first year I only had 2 followers! And that might be an exaggeration! LOL I actually am about to finally quilt my Sherbet Pips QAYG project! I am excited to get working on it, I want to use it this fall, so I better get working on it!
oh I love Plum Jam! it is so yummy! As are those fabrics and that darling little pouch!
I'm currently working on a small challenge quilt (16"sq) and a large wedding quilt (92" sq). So far this year I've really had fun playing with free motion quilting and making up smaller pieces trying out various designs and ideas. My next project is going to be a wholecloth quilt, I think!
I have been enjoying your blog, so thanks for that! The projects I'm spending the most time on now are Sheila's Mystery Quilt Along, and a quilt as you go project to try out the Crazy Shortcut Quilts method, and EPP with 60 degree diamonds. I have SASS (Short Attention Span Sewing.)
Congratulations on your 100 followers!
That zippered pouch is fantastic!
At the moment I am still working on my pinwheel quilt (when I can get to my sewing machine). I am also trying out some embroidery as that doesn't require access to my machine! :)
Congrats on 100 followers - I so enjoy your blog. I'm currently finishing 2 baby quilts - if only the weeds in the garden would stop growing so I'd have more time at my sewing machine...
Congratulations! Love the jam, the pouch and that Big Little George is absolutely bloomin smashing!
I'm a very happy follower ....
What a wonderful giveaway, love the fabric. I just finished a smaller version of Farmer's Wife quilt and am getting ready to start Sliced Coins quilt for my mom.
Congrats on the followers and also the blogiversary! I a few days off work next week to catch up on a few swap items that I really need to finish soon!
Congrats Leanne! Love that bag, it's gorgeous :-) I am working on a Skittles quilt at the moment - and my mug rug for the swap. Next up my solids swap item -v excited about this one - and a quilt for my brand new niece born Friday :-) I think my fave quilt I did this year so far was the PictureBox one I lived working on that! Thanks for a fab giveaway!
I'm working on three baby quilts, 12 bags for a wedding and a pillow for my sister. I'm looking forward to being done with all so I can start one of the other projects floating around in my noggin. . .
Congrats on the followers, I am working on bee blocks and a commissioned quilt. I just have to quilt it and bind it, but my machine seems to have an attitude problem right now :)
Congratulations! Over 100 followers is exciting! Your plum jam looks fabulous. I love making jam, but plums aren't a common fruit around here so I don't think I've ever had it. Today I just finished basting my plus quilt and am still working on a Kaleidoscope. Not sure what comes next...maybe a Christmas quilt?
Congratulations Leanne! What a beautiful pouch and I just love that photo with those colourful fabrics on the wood! Thank you for sharing!
I'm your follower and enjoy always visiting you!
xxx Teje
I'm a new follower! I'm just finishing (only the label left to sew on!) a baby quilt and I'm ready to start making plum jam tomorrow!
That bag is beautiful! What a lovely (and generous) giveaway!
I'm working on about a bazillion things, but my favourites at the moment are my Farmer's Wife blocks, a quilt I'm making with Bee blocks and a hexagon quilt I'm making using english papaer piecing.
And you plum jam still looks lovely :)
Think I need some Shades of Grey. Looks like a good basic to have on hand. Congrats on 100 followers.
I just love the bag!! Great job!! I'm currently working on a QAYG project. I just love it. I'm also a follower. HAve a nice day !!! hugs--Sandie
Found you through the FWQAL, lovely blocks and lovely blog!! I am only a few blocks in (6 or so) but am totally addicted! ALSO spent the weekend canning some plum jam, plum rum jam to be exact. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Congrats, that's awesome! And the bag is so cute! I am finishing up my summer sampler and then on to some swoon blocks for my parents :)
Fun, thanks for the giveaway. The plum jam looks amazing too...too bad about the shipping ;). And I really enjoy your blog. Oh, and I'm currently finishing up my Doll Quilt Swap 11 quilt...just need to bind it!
Congratulations and thanks for a sweet giveaway. I am making a Japanese plus and minus quilt--no two blocks the same.
I just finished quilting my DQS11. I have tons of unfinished quilts... a spiderweb and a square in square one for my bed, to name 2.
Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
And I just became a follower
You have a lovely blog! Happy to follow! Working on finishing 2 baby quilts right now.
Congratulations on your 100 followers and your 5 month anniversary! You have a lovely blog! I've become a follower.
Congrats on a 5 month blogiversary, Leanne! Thanks for your lovely and generous giveaway.
I'm getting excited to finish a quilt I designed using up scraps from my stash - I finally found just the right backing fabric and only need some batting before I dive into quilting it. Yay!
Am I too late? Oops. I'm just about to start sewing the binding on my Lily's quiltalong dresdens and am looking forward to having nothing hanging over the bannister! That means guilt free new project starting - yay!
Great giveaway and congrats on the followers!
I have been a quiet follower since seeing your DQS quilt come together. Congrats on your 100 followers! I am still working on my DQS quilt, a mug rug, August swap blocks and a baby quilt - having fun but its slow going
I'm quilting for a swap (Make Mine Modern)...Thanks for a chance to win!
Hello. I know you on flickr and love your work and just followed your link from the Across the Sea Modern QAL. Love, love, love your FW blocks. I am a new follower but probably should have been a follower a long time ago considering how long I have been admiring your quilting!
Congrats on over 100 followers in such a short time, Leanne! As a fairly new and quiet follower I wasn't going to enter your lovely giveaway, but I couldn't resist it twice, thank you! I really enjoy your blog and seeing how your Mystery Quilt is coming along. I'm really hoping to clear a few projects so I can give the Mystery quilt a go, it looks such fun, but feel I'm maybe just too late.
I'm working on 3 quilts with the Quilting Book Club, need to finish my Lily's Quilts QAL dresdens and whip up a couple of baby quilts before the babes have their first birthdays :)
I can smell fresh baked bread at the moment so am really lusting after your plum jam!
Oh, I love that Shades of Grey line! I just finished piecing a picnic quilt for myself, and a little baby quilt for a friend. And I have a big order of fabric coming for some bags and totes so I can stockpile some little girl birthday gifts with the new school year starting.
I am now following you. I'm always excited to find fellow Canadians, never mind Albertans! I'm up north of Peace River. Cute little bag! I'm being very strict with myself and making my self finish old projects before starting any new ones. Having said that, I am in a block swap, and I joined the across the sea quilt along ( which is how I found you:))
I really do love that bag and I am not just saying that! One of my five million projects that I have going on right now is a dresden quilt. I have all of my dresdens completed but now I am not quite sure how to put it all together and make it interesting. So, I am still thinking about it!
Congrats! That bag is uber cute!
Right now I'm working on bee blocks, but I need to get my butt in gear and work on my For the Love of Solids project.
Thank you all for participating, the give away is now closed.
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