This block is called Arizona. It is the last of the hst blocks in the We can do it! Skill Builder Sampler QAL hosted by Leila at Sewn.
I am now caught up to the group. Next up are three weeks of flying geese skill building blocks. I really like flying geese but have virtually no skills making them so this should help.
This is Squash Blossom, Block #86 from the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt. The flickr group for the FWQAL is here.
Isn't that a lovely little block! Don't look too closely, it is far from perfect even though it is paper pieced. But it took about 5 hours to make! That is far more than it should have taken. I made every single paper piecing mistake you can articulate, over and over again. And then again for good measure.
I love the results of paper piecing, I love the "magic" of it, and it is kind of fun sometimes. But it is the least intuitive thing I have done in a long time. My brain just will not accept any part of it as logical or reasonable so I need to practice and practice.
I will get another FW block done soon and then post the updated group of my blocks. I am slowly catching up with other projects, but for now, this is my progress. That and making plum jam, and making more jam and handing out plums to everyone who will take them. Soon there will be blackberries, and jelly... Oh, and I have almost figured out how to celebrate 100 and more followers, stay tuned for more on that, probably on Friday.
I am linking to WIP Wednesday hosted by Lee at Freshly Pieced. I hope you will visit all the projects, I try to view everything as it is all so inspiring, although I have to admit to not finishing all of them last week, it is hard to keep up in the summer.
Your sampler blocks look great! It's gonna be a beautiful quilt.
Very nice blocks! Your Skill Builder blocks are just so fresh and beautiful. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )
Good to hear you're enjoying a lazy summer - I wish we could have those kind of summers here! You'll love flying geese - it's another one of those addictive patterns. Jxo
pretty! glad to see you fought paper piecing and refused to give up! i have those moments where things take WAY longer than they should, but i just refuse to give it up so as not to have wasted all the time invested. good for you!
great work all around. Paper piecing is not intuitive - I totally get that! :-)
The fabric choice for Squash Blossom is just fantastic. It's a really great looking block.
Oh good there's another person in the universe that has the same troubles as me with paper piecing. Not good that you had to spend 5 hours making one block though. It looks great and love the fabric choices.
Your blocks are lovely! The colours of the paper pieced one are beautiful! Maybe the fact that I am a left hander makes paper piecing logical! Perhaps we should take a survey???
5 hours on a block?! Sounds like me not you!!
Wow! I love your colour choices for the Skill Builder Sampler! Lovely bright colours!
Your skill builder blocks are just great. Keep going with the foundation piecing, one day you will love it....
Hi! I was google imaging Farmer's Wife Mini Quilts and clicked on a link to your blog. I totally love you blocks! I just love your color combinations. I am not a fan of super bright colors, but the fabrics you chose are colorful, in a different way. I started the FWQA last year and have totally abandoned it. Boo. But I did want to make a mini quilt with the blocks I have made.
Hey! I just stumbled across this post about the FWQA and really am in love with your blocks. I love your color combinations, it is colorful without being bright and annoying. I abandoned the FWQA like a year ago (fail) and might just make a mini quilt with the blocks I've made so far.
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