As those of you who follow me on instagram know, we are moving house this summer. This has forced me to start packing fabric and organizing my quilting and sewing supplies. It seemed to me that it was also time to own up to all or at least most of the UFOs scattered about here and there.
So I have collected them all - well I am now remembering one, two, more, oops and I have edited below to add the missing projects - and made a mosaic. If you want to see the pictures in more detail, click this link to go to the Flickr album or this link to go to the Pinterest board.
Given that there is no penalty for not finishing, I'm going to put them all on my Q3 FAL list too, although I expect a large number will carry over. I am hoping that having the list will get them either on the way to being done or maybe given away or something.
Because you know I have many new projects to start and finish too - which is a good thing as there is a lot of fabric around here and packing it up only reminds me of that. I'll share more on packing and moving soon.
So following the mosaic, here are the projects in order and what is next to do (left to right, top to bottom):
- Magenta and navy courthouse steps: I am almost finished with the quilting now, then bind and it's done.
- Scrappy Liberty Medallion: I need to finish a couple more rounds of the top, make the back, quilt, bind.
- Scrappy blocks neutral: These need to be made into a quilt.
- Scrappy blobs: These might be added to the scrappy blocks or become their own quilt, either way they need to be a quilt.
- Blocks from Luke Hanes QuiltCon workshop: I might make these into a series of coasters, sort of mug rug sized or maybe a quilt.
- Liberty sampler: I need to make these into a quilt, maybe adding more from Nicky's sampler or maybe finishing them as is. Also they might become the back of the Liberty Medallion?
- Improv scrappy Xs: I need more of these and then they need to be a bed sized quilt.
- Improv guitar case: I need more "fabric" and then to design and finish the case.
- Giant pluses: I started this with some of the magenta and navy fabrics and I need to finish this quilt.
- Improv Log Cabins: A quilt, and soon.
- Pickle Dishes: Also a king size quilt and soon. Luckily Nicky has a DWR along going on and that might help.
- Beachy neutrals: I need to finish this project, as I remember how much I love it.
- Mystery Quilt: This one needs quilting, and I am now totally ready to do it.
- Jungle Abstract Lion: This quilt is a priority as it needs to be done by the end of August. I have the fabrics and the pattern is printed, so I am ready to go on it.
- Pillows: I am going to make this beautiful fabric into pillows for the new house.
- Lightning quilt for Christa's blog hop: The top is ready to quilt, I just need to make the back and get to it. It is also a priority.
- Florid Blooms: This is dwr #2 from Victoria's class at QuiltCon. That DWR along will help.
- Farmer's wife blocks: I have more of the fabric but this project has been stalled forever. I might just finish them into a smaller quilt and call it a day.
- Blue Bee Blocks: these were from the 4 x 5 bee, and are beautiful. They are ready to be a quilt.
- Improv back: This needs to be taken apart and either more blocks made or pieced into a white background. Initially it was to be the back for the beachy neutral quilt but I don't thinks so now. It would make an excellent baby quilt.
- Liberty one patch: I put this together ages ago to be a quilting practice quilt so now I should quilt it.
- Irish chain in green: I forgot about this one, time to finish it.
- Polaroid blocks: I am going to piece these into an i-spy quilt.
- Bee blocks: I started quilting these and the quilting was horrid. So it is on a time out but it's time to pick out the quilting and start again to finish the quilt.
- Bee blocks: these are wonderful blocks and they need to be a quilt.
- Bee blocks: these are from my very first bee and they are wonderful. They need to be one or two quilts.
- Quilt kit: this is my only ever quilt kit and it's beautiful so I need to finish it too.
- Bee blocks: the stars are fantastic and will be a quilt too.
- Place mats: I have three in various stages, time to finish them.
- Hexagons: These could be a nice pillow, why aren't they already?
- not included in the mosaic, but not forgotten:
- No quilt - I have some great blocks, I need to make some more and finish this quilt. With so much quilting on my list, I need to say "No" a lot more a the day job.
- Blended scraps - I started another version of this quilt, and I need to make more blocks and finish.
- Giant star: I made a top and it has not even been photographed, so I need to get it out and quilt it and take photos.
- Pink Allium quilt: again, no photos, but blocks are made. This one is a priority as I would like to sell the pattern.
- Another Allium blue quilt: The top is done, why it is not quilted and finished and photographed is not at all clear to me. It is a different layout and could also be a pattern.
If you have not joined in yet, the Finish Along is a low key way to try to get some of your UFOs out of the sewing room - go to Adrianne's blog On the Windy Side here to join the Q3 link up. Everyone is welcome, and you have until 11 p.m. PST to link up your list. By the way, you don't have to own up to all your UFOs, one can just link up a few or even one project to finish.
I'm off to sew and pack and such today.
where's the no blocks?! beautiful wips x
I've been stressing out over my WIP list that never seems to get lower than 12 projects. Now I know I'm in good company!
Right, no penalty for unfinishes, but you are very close on a few of these. I wish you the best getting a few done this quarter.
Unlike many people, a long list doesn't stress me out. Especially if it's more of a record than an obligation. What this list shows me is a huge and exciting variety of projects and creativity happening! Enjoy the process (which I know you do).
Wow it's like a confessional! I can't wait to see how you get on and all the stunning finishes that will appear, good luck!
Oh wow! It is definitely good to have such list but yeah it is a bit scary :) Good luck!
I love your list. So many beautiful projects and I like them long - makes me feel like I'm in good company!
I love your list. So many beautiful projects and I like them long - makes me feel like I'm in good company!
It's a good feeling to pull them all out and know the extent of it. I need to do mine today, hopefully not quite as many, but they're lurking all sorts of places!
A lot of these projects are very close to being done--so not as bad as it looks. I have never counted my WIPs.
I think I would likely have more than you do. It's difficult to go back to a project that you've lost interest in, isn't it. I'm always drawn to trying something new.
I not only love your style, but admire how different each quilt looks from the other. Mine tend to look similar to each other. Thank you for the beautiful inspiration!
A lot of WIP is perhaps a good problem to have. I see that for you the creative process is the most important part, not necessarily the finishing because then the creativity is locked. Have a wonderful summer and best of luck for a smooth move.
oh gosh. I did just read some blog post about moving being a good thing as far as finding out what you have, what you want, and what you don't. :O Kind of a fresh start. ;^)
Wow! That's a lot of projects! I'd do the ones that are closest to being finished first and get them off the list. Maybe allow yourself a new start for every 3 finished, so quilting doesn't start to feel like work. Hope to see some pictures of your finishes!
you certainly will not get bored with all these projects to complete. I am ticking myself off for having 7 on the go and of course many on the to do list too
At least all your projects are lovely and will be great to work on!
I’ve fallen out of love with a lot of my UFO’s which makes it hard to get them finished. I’m still loving the process of making quilt-blocks and quilt-tops more than to have another finished quilt :-(
Wow that is some list! Like you I like to have them all listed so I can keep track but they all look interesting so no wonder you want some of them finished - double sided Liberty quilt sounds lovely!
Looks like some of these projects could join together to make a quilt sooner if you wanted that option...?
Oh my, I don´t know if I want to make such a list - haha. Great Projects waiting to get finished!
Just looked through your flickr album - I can see why you love this projects and want to get them finished. Good luck with the move and the list!
is that ALL that's on your list? You are going to be so bored this quarter with nothing to do...
This was a good idea considering your move, own up to everything!!! I should do the same and at least take inventory! Good luck Leanne.
You may be saying Yikes, but I'm saying Wow! Love seeing your UFO's like this. Very fun! And really, it doesn't look like too much from here.:)
How brave to admit to such a list - how old does a project have to be before it is transformed into a UFO (just kidding really)
I'm so sorry, I tried not to laugh when I saw the list, but it just escaped! Good luck with them all :o)
I am in love with your blue & white petals ( two photos past the cat photo) and the blue, white, gray & yellow quilt. Also, oh, never mind, there are too many to list - again! LOL! So I am another who cannot wait for the finish of all your wondrous endeavors. Happy sewing and quilting!
I had no idea you had so many WIPs! Fingers crossed for a Pickle Dish finish
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