A quick stop today to name my July goal for A Year of Lovely Finishes. I am doing well with these monthly goals - it helps to pick things that have deadlines in the month. My goal is to finish this improv diamond quilt and get it linked up for the Modern Quilt Guild Michael Miller fabric challenge in time.

Since my last post about this project, I puzzled it together, Y seams and all. It is good to remember that even improv has its technically challenging parts. I added a 3" border to the sides of the top last night and spent some time trying to find a suitable backing fabric. I am finding that this quilt feels very halloween-y to me, with the black, orange and grey even though it has no halloween parts really. So I have settled on a backing that will complement that and maybe I will end up with a lap quilt to bring out in the fall.
You can join in with AYOLF each month, its not too late yet - link your goal by July 7.

Don't forget to get your FAL Q2 links up, you have until the end of July 6 in Scotland (dinner time on July 6 at my house.) There are already 341 finishes linked up, Katy is a fantastic motivator.
Enjoy your weekend!
Great improv quilt project Leanne! I still haven’t found my 2014 FAL mojo yet, so I thought I would try to see what ALYOF brings me!
PERFECT timing! I want a kite wall hanging for July or maybe some bunting. Not cute. I have been mulling things over and here you have improvisational diamonds!!! I was hoping for something quick and fitting it all together may take some time but I'm back in the air. Thanks!
Looking good! You seemed to make quick work of that puzzle!
Your work is awesome and inspires me regularly!
This quilt is so unique and really shows off the fabrics. I love the dark background, too! You have me scheming about improv diamonds...
Very cool. Isn't that the best colour combo in that line? I have a FQ bundle just waiting.....
this is looking super, so many different diamond shapes, it has worked so well
It's looking great; good luck with your goal!
Looks great! Good luck!
I love this quilt and for some reason, despite the fact that I love Halloween too, that didn't come to mind. Now, if you quilted it with purple thread, maybe…….. (kidding!)
As always, your quilts are fun and unique. Can't wait to see the backing fabric.
Oooh, loving the wonky diamonds
Looks great! These were an odd collection of prints to try to pull together. Though I like your one tiny pactchwork-y diamond, you achieved nice spacing to allow them to play well in the same space. Good luck finishing up!
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