Let me tell you about Reflection - there she is after washing and a night on my bed. She is about 53" square after a good wash and dry. Reflection was made from many fabrics, so she is definitely scrappy. But I cut a lot of the strips from brand new fat quarters or half yards I had recently purchased from several different fabric lines, so I don't think it is fair to say she was made from scraps.
I quilted Reflection on my new long arm machine using hand guided free motion quilting - that means I moved the machine myself. I don't have a ruler set yet, so the stitching in the ditch around the diamonds was also by hand and although it is wobbly, I just see it as part of my industrial modern quilting style.
For the quilting, I wanted a really industrial and rugged result that was basically lines but that would be fast and easy to do. I am very happy with the results. However, you can see from some of the photos, this quilt has a tendency, at least right out of the dryer, to poke in and out a bit at the points. Given that people are not flat, I am not concerned but it does mean this is not a great quilting idea for a wall quilt. Maybe there are some modifications I could make for the next one to avoid that, we shall see.
The pattern for this quilt came from my friend, Linda Rotz Miller (you can visit her website here or her flickr pages here). Linda was making these blocks, which she said were inspired by Maaike Bakker's book Strip Pieced Quilts, and I was inspired to make some too. Linda is a fantastic quilt top maker, ongoing inspiration and a wonderful teacher, and when I asked she showed me how. If folks are interested I can share that with you too, let me know, Linda said it would be ok with her.
For the back, I used some strips and lovely black print whose designer I have forgotten. The binding was made from some more of some of the prints used in the front.
This is another detail shot after washing. I have to say, that for me, the quilt and the quilting are just not finished until the texture has been added by the wash. Also, we use the quilts, and thus they need regular washing.
That photo above is before the wash and in slightly different light. I so love the colours and fabrics in this quilt, some from the new True Colors lines, some from Botanics, some from my stash, many low volumes from a number of sources. I am not sure if anyone would call this design - which is, in essence, just a bunch of HSTs (can you see them) - modern, but this quilt feels very modern to me anyway.
The back before washing and turned the other way. Once I get tired of circles, I am planning to make some quilts playing with layered lines so it seems that backs might be a place to try out ideas first.
And there she is before the wash and probably in better light. I am going to start another, using slightly wider strips I think. Although I am not generally drawn to quilts that are really "busy", this approach of using the low volume fabrics and dividing the colours into warm and cool groupings brings just the right amount of calmness to the quilt for me it seems. I am trying to decide what kinds of colours and fabrics to use for the next one.

I am linking Reflection up to Sewjo Saturday by Kim from My Go-Go Life.
I am hoping to sew a bit today, it is warm and sunny outside so we shall see what calls my attention most. Enjoy your weekend.
Incredibly beautiful!! The pattern is really striking!
So lovely! Really great finish. I love the scrappy combinations of color.:)
Hi Leanne! This is GORGEUS! I love everything in your NEW quilt! Colours and the pattern are beautiful and the quilting with washing makes it so adorable! x Teje
Love the look of this. I like the back too. I don't do too many plain backs anymore. I like this one as it's interesting but not overdone to draw away from the front.
I love how this one turned out.....the texture is soooo wonderful. I love everything about this quilt!!!
Love this quilt! Your placement of the light values makes it glow!
This is really stunning.
Wow, just beautiful! Rx
Leanne, this has to be one of my favorite quilts by you (and that's not an easy pick - I just love it so much though!). The color balance is absolutely superb. Awesome job!!!
What a wonderful quilt!
It's very pretty, the colors are perfect!
wow, what a stunner. I love everything about this quilt, it's so perfect. Love the cool / warm/ low volume division.
Its stunning Leanne. The colours are amazing. I really need to get another tick on my FAL list!
Absolutely beautiful! Very pleasing to the eye with your arrangement all of those colors! Simply LOVE! Thank you for linking up to SEWjo Saturday!!!!
I could look at this all day. I love it, Leanne. So beautiful!
Hi!!!! Reflections is beautiful!!!!! Love the quilting!!!!!
So beautiful! Is love to know how you made it :-)
I think I seriously have to say that this is one of my favorites to date and honestly the quilting just makes it perfect! Yes, yes, do a tutorial for it!!! I love it!
Very striking and I love the quilting you did! Always enjoy your 'TA DA' posts!
Wow, this is absolutely beautiful.
Wow, is right. I can't believe difference in the wash and unwashed. Just colors in all the right places.
Love this one! The wam, cool colors and the quilting make it all wonderful. Would love to see who you did this one.
Beautiful quilt! Loving the quilting design.
I love how this turned out, the colour play is excellent! You cut strips off brand new bits of fabric though? *gasp* ;o)
This quilt is stunning. I'm impressed at how peaceful it seems despite being scrappy and rainbowy (as of right now, rainbowy is now a word). I love your choices of color!
This is amazing!!! I love it!
Beautifully pieced. Love the warm to cool scrappyness, too! Your quilting is so intense!!!
Oh Leanne...this is soooo amazing! I love everything about this quilt. I love the density of the quilting.
The quilt has an almost watercolour effect. Very nice.
Gorgeous!!! And fab quilting!!!!
The direction of the quilting gives a brilliant effect, the vertical blocks are standing out for me, drawing me in to look closer. It's a beauty.
Wonderful... I love this quilt.
It is really stunning. Congrats on a great finish.
This is simply gorgeous! I love the colour groupings and the low volume fabrics.
This is really eye-catching and your quilting looks fabulous. I would love to see a tutorial. Thanks!
Totally LOVE your quilt ~~ especially the massive quilting!
WOWZA! Leanne, the colors in this quilt are amazing and the quilting give it such a gorgeous texture. Stars all around from here! Beautiful.
Hi Leanne. How can Imget the pattern for Reflection!! Lovely job! Brenda. doud.b@hotmail.com
Very good job indeed. I love the quilting as usual.
This is truly beautiful. I love the quilting, the directional stitching is just fantastic.
Leanne, this quilt is absolutely stunning. Your use of colour is awesome and the quilting is perfect. I love Linda and her work, I haven't been on Flickr for ages, must go back and see what Linda has been making lately.
Tutorial please!
It's so beautiful. The quilting is amazing. :)
Absolutely gorgeous quilt! Will have to try something similar.
This quilt is SO BEAUTiFUL!!!! Just before opening my e-mail I thought to myself I wish I would see something really amazing and inspiring and ta da I opened to your post!!! Thank you so much for sharing great job!!!!
I love your use of colour in this beautiful quilt Leanne.
Looks great and I love the texture! Beautiful colors too.
This may be a new favourite for me!
Definitely a favourite. Did you do diagonal blocks or hs rows? Luv it! Low volume and the warm cool separation.
I love your Reflection quilt and the quilting and wonderfully rumpled look after washing. Please share how the top is made.
I love this quilt...the flow of colors across the top is so pretty and soft. Linda's work has inspired me for a few year now...her focus is on great design instead of quilt tops that feature the latest fabric lines. It's so interesting how we all have various methods to the quilts we make. I like your modern industrial style ;o)
I loved the rumpled look of a washed quilt. Yours is great!
Yay, I know how to use up my scraps. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful! I love the use of a black and white print for the back with such a colorful front! Lovely work :)
Love the texture that the quilting creates!
Oh so beautiful. A happy quilt.
I really like this. I think my favorite part is that I can't pick what I like the most and that is always a good thing.
Stunning! What an absolutely gorgeous quilt!
Absolutely beautiful!
I keep coming back and looking at this post over and over again. I love the 3D effect of these blocks. Please do share how you made them. I enjoy making strip blocks and would really like to give this a spin, too!
Love the effect you created with this quilt. Your quilting really enhanced the design. I can see the half square triangle blocks but only after you told me they were there. :) Very clever design, I am starting to make quilts with half square triangles and loving their versatility.
This is beautiful and the quilting really makes the blocks stand out.
This quilt is stunning! Please do share how you made it!
I think i would kill for this quilt. This is definetly on my to do List. Looove
ohmyfabriclovingheart! This quilt is just gorgeous!!!!!!
The coloration is fantastic. I'm really impressed with this quilt. Just beautiful!
Great finish Leanne!
Loving this quilt! From the first glimpse until now.
Just love this effect Leanne. I could stare at this quilt forever!
I HAD to check this quilt out. I love how modern it looks. As a new quilter, I'm not really sure what makes it appear that way to me, but I agree with you, it definitely gives off that vibe. I'd LOVE to see how you made this. It's stunning! I can't wait to create one of my own. :)
This quilt is refreshingly different, and I LOVE it. Really nice job. It's one of those quilts you just keep reaching for out of the stack. :)
This is beautiful! Ahhhmazing! I love the fabric layout, the pattern design I guess you could say, but your quilting just takes it to another level. I can't even see the details of the fabric, which is what I usually love to see in quilts, but it really doesn't matter to me in this quilt. The colour layout and the way the quilting has muted the individuality of the fabrics is perfect. Great job!
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