There is doting mommy robin. She stands on the side of the nest and pokes food into the babies with her beak. They are mostly too little for us to see while she is feeding them, you can just see a tuft of hair sticking up. This picture is through my very dirty window, I am caught on that one too.
Now that I am home and my loyal photo correspondent is away, I went outside and braved the dive bombing to photograph the inside of the nest in a moment when it was unattended. The four babies are between 3 and 5 days today, they took three days to all hatch.
Do you think that mommy bird says in her head, like a human mom would, "oh aren't they soooo cute?" Or maybe she says, "more food quick so they start looking like proper beautiful birds?"
Here the babies are on Saturday just past, this is just after the last of the four eggs hatched. Baby birds are weird looking in my opinion - it is a good thing bigger birds are so cute. More updates on the birds soon, maybe tomorrow. (For those of you just joining in, you can go back a few days for the whole bird saga.)
I owe you all emails and will be catching up this week, before I go on the road again. But first, I am going to sew a bit, it has been many days since I was at my sewing machine.
I had baby cardinals last year. It was so much fun to check the nest every day and take a new photos. From hatching to leaving the nest was only ten days if you can believe it. On the day they left the nest I was able to catch a photo of the last one before he left too.
Enjoying these birdy posts. They are cute, but once the baby feathers come in, a-freaking-dorable.
We’ve had blackbird nests in our garden and it’s amazing to see how many times the parents come and bring food for their tiny babies. They must be exhausted! I never managed to take a photo of the nest, so I’m enjoying your posts!
How fun! It's great you were able to get so close to take these pics.
It continues to be so interesting to follow your bird saga!
Thought for the day: Canadian robins look completely different to robins this side of the pond!
So sweet, glad they're still flourishing! :o)
Just what Alison said, Canadian robins are really huge!
Agreed about the difference in trans-Atlantic robins! We call baby birds at that ugly mostly-featherless stage "yunks." I have no idea if it's used elsewhere or if it's a British or Scottish thing. But I think it suits them before they become cute!
sweeeeeet :)
Amazing photos. I reckon all mummies think that their young are adorable! Di x
Isn't nature wonderful? Love seeing the photos and the babies progress, but yes they are ugly!
I was just thinking 'I would never know that was a robin' and then I read Alison's comment - seems like we're all thinking the same thing! When the baby birds are cute and fluffy and wandering round the garden just make sure that a little boy doesn't come along with a baby bath and decide to bathe them...or maybe it's just baby blackbirds that don't take well to baths!
It's the equivalent of our new born babies looking like mini geriatrics! Still cute, in an old and wrinkling sort of way! Jxo
You are right - so not pretty...
... yet!
My hubby is enjoying your bird story immensely and is jealous how close you can get! I'm with you in thinking they look weird without feathers!
Atta Girl! You do have your priorities in order. Sew first. Answer emails later! Lol! Enjoy your day!
Everyone is beautiful to their mothers. Which is a good thing, as there's a lot of us out there where that's the only person that finds us beautiful ;o)
Aaaaah, I love the little ones! And soon they will look so different. Keep up the photos. It's wonderful to "see" them so close up.
Hi!!!! Oh!!! They are too cute!!!! Thanks for the photos!!!!
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