Monday, February 18, 2013

Look at all the Mod Pops

Mod Pop - detail

Mod Pop is one of my favourite patterns. It was written by my friend Julie who blogs at Distant Pickles. There are links on her blog here if you want to buy the pattern and/or handy acrylic templates.

Mod Pop

I started the Mod Pop QAL after pattern testing for Julie and making Whitewater, which is a baby size Mod Pop and is off living with a beautiful new baby. I wanted to make a king size Mod Pop and needed some friends to keep me going. Today we get to celebrate all the finished Mod Pop quilts from the QAL. The picture is above the information about the quilt and quilter.


This is the stunning very last finish. Ann, who blogs at Bright Side of Balance spent yesterday hand stitching the binding.

Mod Pop QAL

Jennifer from Knotted Thread finished this one which reminds me of oranges on a sunny blue sky day.

Mod Pop/More Wine Please: all done!

Shena who blogs at Apple Pie Patchwork named her luscious quilt More Wine Please.


This excellent Mod Pop was made by Diane from Quiltova and lives on her guest bed.

Mod Pop Ombre

Terri, who blogs at Stuff and Things made this amazing ombre Mod Pop.

FINISH: Mod Pop Quilt - Final location

This is Alex's version of Mod Pop. She also used an ombre approach which creates a stunning effect in the middle. Alex blogs at She Creates an Outlet.

Mod Pop

That is Cindy's Mod Pop which she gave to her brother. She blogs at Fluffy Sheep Quilting.

mod pop front

This one is by Anne from Play Crafts.

mod pop back

The back of Anne's Mop Pop shows another way to use this pattern.

Christmas mod pop done!

Caroline from Trillium Design made this holiday version of the Mod Pop.

Christmas mod pop done!  Back

Her back is yet another way to use a single Mod Pop chain to great effect.

Mod Pop Finished

Jennie who blogs at Jennie's Threads made this sophisticated Mod Pop.

Mod Pop Complete!

Debbie from A Quilter's Table made this purple Mod Pop and then took it out on for a whole photo shoot.

Mod Pop

And there again is my king size Mod Pop - still without a name but I am working on that, thank you all for the great ideas.

There are still a bunch of people who are trailing along on the QAL and you can check out their progress so far in the Mod Pop QAL flickr group here. There are also links to help for sewing curves there and other tips on completing this quilt. Oh and the link to my post with the video about how to sew curves without pins is here.

The last prize in the QAL, for finishing by last night, is a $30.00 gift certificate to shop at Dragonfly Fabrics, which is Jennifer's lovely shop.

And the winner is Jennifer from Knotted Threads!

she can quilt

Thank you to everyone who quilted along with me and to all our lovely sponsors, Pink Castle Fabrics, Fluffy Sheep Quilting and Dragonfly Fabrics.  

I am also setting up a linky so everyone who finishes a Mod Pop in the QAL or while trailing along, can link up their Ta Da blog post or a fickr picture so that they will all be handy whenever I  or you want to look for inspiration. This link will be open for another 6 months so that should give those of you on the seriously laid back time line a bit more time to join in.

I am enjoying my long weekend, I hope you are too.




Canadian Abroad said...

They are all so beautiful and all so different. Great QAL!

Annabella said...

Oh Leanne - what an amazing showcase of stunning quilts! Thank you for sharing these - they are all beautiful and this quilt is definitely on my bucketlist.

CapitolaQuilter said...

The variety is amazing and they are all wonderful. Congrats to Jennifer. This was fun to watch along with and one day I will actually get around to making my pattern!

Jennie said...

Thanks for a great QAL, Leanne!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

They're all wonderful! I never managed to start mine (didn't even buy the pattern!) but one day...

Gertie Pye said...

I just love this pattern - in fact I have never seen a Mod Pop I didn't like! I think they look like a work of art - I would definitely be hanging it on a wall as a permanent display. It's on my very long list!

Little Island Quilting said...

Incredible. Think they are all great but am particularly drawn to the blue one by Anne.

Elise Lea said...

Wow these quilts are stunning. It is amazing how different a pattern can look from one quilt to another. The fabric choices really change the overall feel of the pattern. Thanks for sharing everyone's quilts with us!

Debbie said...

It's so cool seeing them all lined up! Thanks again, Leanne, for a great QAL! I couldn't have done it w/o you!

Katy Cameron said...

Congrats to all who finished, they look amazing!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

They all look so lovely, and different; and yours just looks HUGE!!!!

Sarah said...

They are all awesome :-) Mum is still waiting to find a back for hers. Congrats to Jennifer! And well done to you Leanne, you were an excellent and encouraging host :-)

MariQuilts said...

These all look so amazing.

Julie said...

love love love to see all the color combos - they are all so great!

Your Creative Friends at the Calico House said...

SO inspiring and loved seeing all the different color combinations.

Susan said...

What a great Mod Pop quilt show! I think my favourite, apart from yours of course, is "More Wine Please"! What a clever name!

Catherine said...

What an amazing array of different quilts, all with the same design!

Sarah said...

Wow they look so great all together. Jennifer's reminds me of summer at the beach in Australia. The ocean sparkles blue and some days it's so hot that everything seems to take on an orange hue. The golden ombre one is stunningly clever - what an effect!

Cindy said...

Cool! They look so great together, Leanne! Thanks so much for leading us on this journey. I'm so grateful to you as with this QAL I have expanded my quilting comfort zone. Thank you!

Caroline, I LOVE the back of your quilt. Great idea!

leanne said...

those quilts all look fabulous - thanks for keeping the linky open for 6 months - mine is in this quarter of the finish-a-long so I'm still hoping to get it done :)

JuliePickles said...

They are all so incredibly beautiful, what a wonderful job by all!! Thank you so much for running this quilt along and helping everybody make their own Mod Pop. I am incredibly honored that you all have turned a little idea that I had into such a beautiful reality!

Judith, Belfast said...

Wow! These quilts are absolutely amazing! Such a stunning pattern and lovely variations! Jxo