It is time to organize our casual and leisurely Mod Pop QAL to make the wonderful Mod Pop by Julie of Distant Pickles. I am going to set out a schedule but first I want to emphasize that it will be just a guideline and a prompt for me to share on this blog some of my thoughts and hints for making a quilt like this. You do not have to keep pace, you can go faster or slower, whatever works for you.
Here is my plan:
- Ideas and thoughts on picking fabrics - September 12.
- Cutting fabrics, especially curved pieces - September 18
- Piecing curves - September 25
- Picking fabric for the back and basting - October 9
- Ideas for quilting - October 16
- Binding options - November 6
- Link opens to post finished quilts - November 27 - I will leave this link open for a long, long time, even for those who might be trailing along.
Hopefully this schedule will provide enough encouragement so that those of you who are hoping to give your quilt as a holiday gift will be done in plenty of time.
I am pleased to announce that comment 75 by Julianne who has a brand new blog at Quilting with Calicos is the winner of the set of templates and paper pattern that Julie was so kind to give me to give away last week. Julianne, I will email you for your details.
And I am thrilled to say that we have three lovely and generous sponsors for the QAL. One from Canada, Ireland and the U.S.A. In no particular order they are:
I had the great pleasure of getting to hang out with Cindy, who runs Ireland's Fluffy Sheep Quilting at the FQ Retreat in London. She has offered to give us a bundle for a prize and also a fabric discount. Just email me for the discount code (shecanquilt [at]
Jennifer runs Dragonfly Fabric in Alberta, Canada - which is where I live - and she has offered us a lovely fabric bundle for a prize.
Last but not least, Brenda from Pink Castle Fabrics in Michigan, U.S.A., has offered us a bundle of fabrics as a prize and also a discount code. You can use MOD15 for a 15% discount for fabrics for this quilt.
I am thinking that it might be fun to distribute some of the fabric bundle prizes for reaching certain points in our quilt, not just for finishing, what do you think? I will work out those details soon. In the meantime, feel free to visit our sponsors, shop, and thank them for their generosity.
If you are able to join me to quilt along, or are even considering it, please come and join the flickr group by clicking here and do invite your friends too. It looks like we have a great group of quilters already.
If you don't have Julie's pattern yet, you can click here to buy it, with or without the optional, but very handy, templates. And if you have a blog, here is the button:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="she can quilt"><img src="" alt="she can quilt" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
In the meantime, now that I have survived - but just barely - the hard re-entry into City and working life, gotten my kids back to school/university, and unpacked, I am catching up on my overdue blocks for quilting bees and also my tutorial for Cindy's newsletter. I hope to share pictures of the sewing soon.
My you are a busy bee! I hope the QAL goes well, and that 'normal' life resumes quickly! Jxo
I hope that the re-entry to city life isn't too painful. Di x
Looks like a well-paced plan to me :o)
I really REALLY want to hop on the QAL - and I am glad you are going over ideas for colors. I will order my pattern this week - but I am at a loss on color scheme. Usually, I know right away my colors. I think my brain is hasn't caught up with fall.
It all sounds awesome!
I think I might be one of your slowest participants... got lots of overdue bits to get finished first. (OMG your bee blocks for a start... So sorry!) Am thinking of fabrics tho :-)
I do not know how you do it all!!!
Oh dear, this is tempting! Might have to join ...
I think Sarah and I may be vying for last place!
If I can, I shall join in! Great pattern and lovely sponsors.
And I will be with Sarah and Helen, trailing behind!
Let's call it a leisurely pace.
Cool! I am waiting for my tempaltes to arrive and then I can get started. Can't wait to see everyones fabric choices.
I am always a day late and dollar short. I placed my order just before you posted this...oh well. This pace sounds great to me. I have posted my button and I think I joined the flickr group...maybe I should check on that...hmmm!
Hi Leanne! Thank you! I am so excited that I won, I really want to make the quilt for my sister for christmas so this is just perfect! Thanks for directing people to my blog also...its so fun!
Sounds like a great plan.
I hear you on the catching up with blogs thing. I had a break in the action today, but spent most of it trying to catch up with everything I missed while starting school.
Welcome home, Leanne!
Elizabeth E.
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