It's been a while since I shared my month's work over at Fresh Sewing Day which my friend Lynne from Lily's Quilts hosts. This month I finished Dance - you can read more about her here, with a tutorial too. And that photo - with Butch on the left and Sundance on the right, both still very much kittens at heart but the size of small lions now - hit Flickr Explore and is now my second most viewed ever photo.

I finished Winter, and she was also on my Q2 FAL List. You can read more about her here.

I made a Big Patchwork Tote, pattern by Ayumi in Krista's Book Make It, Take It. I took this bag to Quilt Market in Minneapolis and had a great time there, there is a bit about my bag and the trip here.

I finished up Diane's blocks for Bee Sewcial. She asked for curved shapes with sliver of black. I posted about these blocks here.

I also finished Marci's block for Bee Sewcial. She asked for houses, and I gave her apartments - more here.

And I got to show off HeartBEEts, which is a group quilt by the members of Bee Sewcial for Marci and her new baby. There is a lot more about HeartBEEts here.
It turns out that May was very productive at my house after all.
There will be a lot of inspiring posts linked up over at Lynne's blog, Lily's Quilts, go and check them out here, and I hope you join in too.
Very nice month. I especially love Dance. Oh and HeartBEEts of course!
WOW!!! LOVe all the quilts and the bag. Really like the quilt with the cats on it:):) ...and the city is super cool.
Lovely~all! Especially the orange kitties...they're my favorite :)
I love those blocks of flats - I'm off to read more about them!
Love the baby quilt Leanne! And read her story!
Very productive and very pretty! That photo of your kittens and quilt is lovely! The texture is wonderful!
Wow you have been busy. Love both of your bee blocks.
Yes you were busy! Nice finishes, congrats!
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