
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Scraptastic Tuesday, February Link Up Winners

Scraptastic Tuesday

First, thank you to our wonderful February Scraptastic Tuesday Link sponsors:

Congratulations to the following winners of these lovely prizes:
I'll email the winners shortly, but if you see your name here first, please just leave me a comment so we can connect. Remember, our next link up will be the second Tuesday in March 10, 2015 and we hope you will plan to join us then.

I've been rushing about to get ready to head off to Austin, Texas for QuiltCon, and I am afraid I have no scrappy projects to share today. Instead, I urge you to check out the links on the February link up for a lot of beautiful inspiration - just go here. And don't forget to check up on Nicky, over at Mrs. Sew and Sow, she is sharing some beautiful scrappy projects today.

It's just one more sleep!




  1. Thanks for organizing such a fun event! February was my first time linking up, and I'll be back in the future. : )

  2. Thank you for the wonderful gift card. And for such a great LINKY Party! Hugs and Happy Quilting!!

  3. Awesome. Congrats winners and many thanks to the generous sponsors!

  4. Congrats to all! You are right there is always so much inspiration. Have fun!

  5. Double bonus! Thanks for the giveaway and giving me an outlet to share my scrappy micro-stamp project.


Thank you for your comment and I will try to respond by separate email if your email is attached to your profile. Sorry about the word verification but I am getting a lot of spam comments right now.