
Monday, May 18, 2015

A Lovely Scrappy Bracelet, and last call for the May Scraptastic Tuesday link


Waiting for me on my return from Quilt Market was this beautiful scrappy bracelet. My talented friend Stephanie - she blogs at Spontaneous Threads - sent it to me for Mother's Day. She sent one to many of the mothers she knows.

Not surprisingly, although she sent it before April ended, it did not make it to my house in Canada until now. But that's great, because it gave me another special day yesterday with a special present and I'm wearing it today too. Thank you so much Stephanie.


It's actually hard to take a decent looking photo of your own hand, but it sure looks cool on. I asked Stephanie for the technique as I think that I know several people, including my nieces, who might like one of these. The tutorial, at Make Something, is here. It is a great scrappy project.

Besides sharing this lovely present, I want to remind you that you have until 10 p.m. tonight (Monday) to link up to the May Scraptastic Tuesday link. Please share your scrappy project - it can be finished or it can be in progress - or ideas for organizing and using your scraps - like these bracelets, for example.

You can link your blog post or instagram or flickr photo on Nicky's blog, Mrs. Sew and Sow here or on my blog here; its the same group on both blogs. (And one link per person please.)

There are great prizes to be won, so if you have not yet, please join us. Nicky and I will announce the prize winners, drawn randomly, tomorrow morning.

It is a holiday Monday in Canada, enjoy!




  1. I just posted a pic on Flickr so I hope I did it correctly and linked to the correct post for the Scraptastic Tuesday. I had not worked on this quilt after my last posting since I left for the winter to the land of the sun. So now that I'm back, I rented time on a long arm at my local quilt shop and quilted this one mostly by myself with some guidance from the owner. First time for me and while it's not perfect, I can say it was a good start. Now I just have to add the binding. Those wonder clips sure would come in handy. Hopefully, it won't take me 6 months to get that done.

  2. That's a great use of scraps and a gorgeous bracelet too! You've reminded me about one I made from precious scraps, I wear it often, I probably should make more!

  3. Hi Leanne! That's a beautiful and fun bracelet! I want to make, too, thank you for the link! x Teje

  4. I've never tried a hand selfie before…. looks great on you and I'm glad you like it. Happy belated day of Moms.xo


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