
Thursday, March 30, 2017

My Q1 FAL progress

I woke up today thinking I would fess up to my lack of finishing my Q1 FAL list. We all have until Saturday at 11 pm EST to add any last minute finishes, but as of today, it's a total bust.

Bee Sewcial Swap quilt - in progress

I do have one project from my Q1 list that I could easily finish in time, that one. I have finally decided on the scrappy, all the colours, binding you see in this photo, so maybe tonight I can sew it on, then handstitch the binding down with a movie or something on Friday night, photos on Saturday morning, and post it to the finishes link up Saturday afternoon - totally doable right?

If you have not yet posted your Q1 finishes, the link up is here or link up on any other global hosts' blogs. I hope you have also been enjoying the Q1 tutorials, and in case you have not yet visited them, the list is:
And finally, start thinking of your Q2 list of projects to finish as the link up for the Q2 lists opens on April 2.




  1. I think I'm in the same boat, so it's refreshing to read about the truth in someone else's' life, rather than glossing over the busy/occupied life that precludes finishes (does reading about our crazy politics count as a reason for not finishing? Hope so.) You might finish that quilt, but it's fine to see it as it is. Thanks, as always, for your encouragement!

  2. Hello Leanne! I am so glad that you posted this today, I do have a few projects finished, yet I seriously forgot all about posting them or linking them! Plus, I am thrilled to find out that we have until Saturday to link up. I do think your goals are definitely doable! Now, have a great time doing yours as I go and find my blog and locate the pictures and start posting. Thank You and have a great day!

  3. That is doable. I have to believe that as I may still have time to finish one of mine that is at that stage. At the moment nothing from my first quarter list has been finished. I still have a day to go right? Who know what may get done.

  4. Great choice on the binding. It is totally doable; good luck!

  5. Goodness! I don't know what happened to my original blog post when I joined the first quarter FAL. I must have accidently deleted it. I know it won't count for this quarter, but I personally did finish four or my goal quilts. I think my list was originally seven. Can't prove it now. Don't worry! I will write another post and get some done, and entered, into the 2nd quarter FAL. Cheers!


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