
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February Scraptastic Tuesday Winners

It's time to award the prizes for the February Scraptastic Tuesday link up.

I have done no sewing since Tuesday, but I travelled to Vancouver early Saturday morning for a few days of vacation, going back tomorrow afternoon. I was able to meet up with my friend Krista, who blogs at Poppyprint, for a lovely dinner. I also was able to attend the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild meeting as well. Krista gave me that beautiful mini quilt! I have long admired the round Texas lonestar pattern by Lynne at Lily's Quilts that is in Krista's book Make It, Take It and now I have a beautiful mini of my own, which I am sharing today instead.

Here are our fabulous Scraptastic Tuesday Sponsors and their buttons, feel free to click through and thank them for their support:

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes which have been awarded randomly among those of you who linked up.
I'll be getting out the prize emails to the winners as soon as the spotty internet and holiday schedule permits.

If you have not yet done so, check out the linked up projects, they are lovely, go here. And please plan to join Nicky from Mrs. Sew and Sow and I on the second Tuesday in March for the next Scraptastic Tuesday link up.




  1. It was nice to meet you at the meeting! Deb

  2. Thank you for hosting! It's always fun participating!

  3. Thanks so much Leanne, Nicky, and Green Fairy Quilts as well as the other sponsors! And what a terrific gift from Krista, Leanne! Beautiful.


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