
Friday, June 24, 2016

It's almost the end of Q2 of the FAL

2016 FAL Q2 List of Projects

I thought I would make a quick stop here to remind you that the end Q2 of the FAL is almost upon us. The Q2 link to post your finishes will open on on my blog on June 29 at 00:05 am and close on July 7 at 9 pm.

So I pulled up my own list of things to finish and realized that to date I have finished zero of these projects - I've made progress on some but no finishes. Now I am plotting for the weekend and I know I can finish some of them.

How about you? Remember there are great prizes for fantastic sponsors for each finish from your Q2 to be finished list that you link up:




  1. Your list sounds a lot like mine! That is why I like the finish a long, it helps inspire me to finish the older ufo ' s.

  2. Oh my word how has this happened? I daren't look at my list to see how little I've done - although a week to pull my finger out...

  3. Thanks for this check in. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that this sneaked up on!

  4. Sounds like I am not alone on not finishing too much. There has been progress on some but only 1 finish so far. I will have to do some work.


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