
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February Scraptastic Tuesday winners

I don't know quite how I managed to never have a moment to post this yesterday - rushing to finish work and organize the family to manage without me and packing for QuiltCon took all my time.

So now I am at the airport, and there is nothing to share about me except that I am on the way to California for QuiltCon!

Now its time to award the prizes for the February Scraptastic Tuesday link up.

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes which will have been awarded randomly among the record 98 people who joined us:
      Congratulations to our winners! I'll be sending you each an email today to get you connected to your prizes.

      Thank you for joining Nicky from Mrs. Sew and Sow and sharing so much scrappy inspiration. Please plan to join us again on the second Tuesday in March - on March 8, 2016.




      1. Congratulations to all the winners and then you to the sponsors and to you.

      2. I am surprised at how much you do in your jet setting life Leanne - go and have fun!

      3. Have fun Leanne! Congratulations to the winners! x Teje


      Thank you for your comment and I will try to respond by separate email if your email is attached to your profile. Sorry about the word verification but I am getting a lot of spam comments right now.