
Friday, July 31, 2015

on the move


Well, my family is in Lethbridge to meet our stuff*, which just arrived a few minutes ago. I will join them on the weekend, just in time for my dear spouse to return back here to work and such for August. Living in two cities for the foreseeable future is going to be interesting.

I will be unpacking over the long weekend and the month. Hopefully I will have the sewing room operational soon and also have some time to be properly back in this space. 

Please stand by, and I will try to instagram a bit this weekend too, maybe I can share some of the unpacking mess with you there.

*yup, we filled the truck, could it be all the fabric??



  1. good luck, Leanne! Moving is such an ordeal!

  2. I kind of like moving ?
    The setting up and starting new !
    Wish you strong backs, patience, good humor, and some great take- out !

  3. We moved 9 times the first 10 years we were married! We've been here for 30 years now and have a lot more stuff!

  4. I wish you the best for your unpacking job and the pleasure back to your sewing room.

  5. Not to worry. It will all work out just fine. I live on Vancouver Island for 4-5 months a year working on commissioned quilts & art pieces, while my hubby is working in Edmonton. It is not like one of us has gone to fight in a war - and there is Skype, texting, email etc. to keep in touch daily. Best wishes for a successful change in your life.

  6. I wish all of you a safe and worry free move.
    Enjoy every moment of the transition, making new friends and neighbors is bonus!

  7. Holy cow thats one big assed truck!!!! Bet you wish it was all sewing room... As in a sewing room complete and ready to come out... lol Good luck!!!

  8. I have never seen such a long truck. I missed where you're moving from and to but wish you the best in your new location. Take some time for you even if it's just a few minutes outside or with a cup of tea.

  9. Moving is a lot of hard work, so sending wishes that it all goes smoothly for you and your family. Hope you'll soon be settled in and able to unwind in your new sewing space, Leanne. Take care!

  10. Wishing you all the best with the transition. Hope things go smoothly and that you can find a routine that feels right.

  11. what an enormous truck! happy unpacking, presumably you have left some furniture etc for hubby back in the old place. Is he just working his notice and then join you or is he a commuter coming home for weekends?

  12. Woah! That's a mahoooooosive truck! Hope all goes well for the unpack, it's my favourite part of moving. Wishing you all well for life to settle into a comfortable routine soon. Xx

  13. Ditto all the comments about large trucks! Good luck with the move and I hope all goes well. I still have boxes unpacked in the garage from my move here 19 years ago!

  14. Good luck and fingers crossed for you. I'm sure we all be here waiting for updates :)

  15. As we say at home, "Bless All Your Hearts!" It seems quite daunting, but I know you will be up to the task. Thanks for all you share. You keep us sane out here. XOXO

  16. As we say at home, "Bless All Your Hearts!" It seems quite daunting, but I know you will be up to the task. Thanks for all you share. You keep us sane out here. XOXO

  17. Can't wait to see photos of your progress once you start unpacking!!! It's such a big job, though, I'll be thinking of you.

  18. Woah! That is some truck! Happy unpacking...pace yourself!

  19. I love unpacking. It's like an endless birthday or Xmas :)
    I'm glad your move went smoothly. We had a two city romance for years, and it worked just fine. I did keep a notebook of thoughts and funny stuff to tell the loved one, and we sent pics etc throughout the day. Technology is such a help! And whenever you're in the same place at the same time, it's a honeymoon and celebration, so Woo!! XX!

  20. Wow that's a lot of stuff! means you don't need to buy anything new though!

  21. That has got to be the biggest moving truck I have ever seen! Good luck with the unpacking and organizing that goes with it. Hope it all goes smoothly.

  22. I am sure it's not all fabric, but I'm guessing there is a big pile of fabric in there somewhere! Good luck with your move Leanne!


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