
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Scraptastic Tuesday - January winners

First, it's time to hand out the January Scraptastic Tuesday prizes. A big thank you from me and Nicky at Mrs. Sew and Sow on behalf of everyone, to our fantastic sponsors:

And congratulations to our lucky and inspiring winners, who were chosen randomly:
If you are a winner, I shall be emailing you later today or you can contact me or Nicky first. And to everyone else, the next link will open on the second Tuesday in February - February 10 - so please plan to play along with us again then. In the meantime, check out the January links from last week - I am still doing that too - for inspiration. And share your scrappy work using the tag #scraptastictuesday or our button anytime you like.

Scrappy Orange blocks

So, as I said yesterday, I did not sew much last week. Last night I decided not to tackle the installation of my new bobbin case on the long arm as I was tired. Instead, I did some scrappy relaxing sewing. I was feeling like working with orange, so I got my orange bin of scraps and made that bit of orange above.

Scrappy red/pink blocks

The orange piece will join that red/pink piece and the grey/white/black blocks I made before from the bins. I am not sure exactly yet how these are going to go together, right now I am just having fun making them.

I hope you are enjoying your week, we are having a warm spell and it sure is nice.




  1. I'm enjoying seeing this scrappy project grow!

  2. Love that crazy scrappy project you have going on.

  3. Yay! So excited! Thank you for hosting this lovely gathering of scraps! :)

  4. Thanks so much! Looks like a bit of shopping is in my future. Out go the scraps and in comes New fabric.

  5. I love how these just-for-fun improv blocks you are making look like roses. It's a lovely scrappy garden!

  6. How neat are those improv blocks??? Congrats to all the winners this month!

  7. Yay! This is the first time I've won fabric in an online giveaway! And more yay since I already shop at Mad About Patchwork. Looking forward to hearing from you. THANKS !!!!!!!!!

  8. Love the scrappy sewing - plus it was probably way more relaxing ;-)

  9. Love your scrappy colors! Congrats to the winners.:)

  10. More Congratulations to the Winners. Very nice Orange addition to your blocks.

  11. yay winners!! And man, yet again I am loving those scrappy blocks!! Inspiring!! X!


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