
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Scraptastic Tuesday - Monthly Linkup!

It's the second Tuesday of the Month so Nicky, who blogs at Mrs. Sew and Sow, and I are hosting our first monthly link up. It is the same link up on both blogs, so when you link on one, your link will show up on both Nicky's and my blogs.

Please join us to share a scrappy project - old, new or in progress or your tips and ideas for using, storing, or coping with fabric scraps. We ask that you only link up one time per month because we have some great prizes from our sponsors which we will give out randomly after the link closes.

A huge thank you to each of our generous sponsors for the following prizes, which will be awarded randomly:
You can link up your blog post, or a Flickr photo. I read this post and thought that it meant that you could also link to an instagram photo but that does not yet seem to be the case for now. It seems that it only lets you use the instagram photo as the thumbnail but not to link to the actual photo, but if you can make it link to your photo, then go ahead with that too.

Once you link up, please check out at least the three links before yours - in fact, you can check out more of the links if you have the time - and leave a comment too. That way everyone who joins in will get some comments, which are always fun and you can also meet some new people too.

Scrappy improv Xs

Before I go, I thought I would share my progress on a couple of scrappy projects. First, I have started making larger improv Xs - these are 6.5" and 7.5" squares - using my scraps. I am hoping to make enough to make a bed size quilt like my Landmarks mini quilts.


I also got some work done making strata to cut up to add to the improv solids panels that I am making for the small guitar case that I started a while ago. I did make a few more Blended Scraps triangles but it is just too dark to photograph them now. The one thing I have not started is better scrap organization. Although I have been reading all your helpful ideas in the comments, I am still trying to decide what scrap management system will actually work for me.

Enough about my projects, please add your links and we will go and read about your projects and ideas. Nicky and I are going to keep this link open for the next two weeks - because it's new and all - so it will close on October 28. Feel free to spread the news around and invite your friends to link up too.  And do come and check back to see the projects as they get added.




  1. I think these improv Xs are just great, really effective and love the background fabric.

  2. Oh, I can't get my link to work! (I'll try again at work tomorrow because I have my eye on those fabulous prizes, of course!) Love the colour of all those solid scraps! Sorry I have no organisational suggestions- I just blame my poor 'system' on lack of space!

  3. I love scrappy projects. Will add a link to my all time favourite one.

  4. Hurray for scraps! Thanks for hosting this fun party

  5. My tip is to save every scrap since you never know when you will need them.

  6. Love this idea! Hopefully I can stay motivated to do something with my scraps.:)

  7. Love your Improv X's!!! And enjoying the new linky party :)

  8. It's my first time linking up! I LOVE SCRAPS!!! Your X blocks are awesome!

  9. I think you two should throw in prizes of your own scraps, you're both so prolific it would be the most efficient way for you to recycle ;o)

  10. LOVE Katy's idea! Thanks for hosting! Jxo

  11. thanks for this link up Leanne! what a great idea!

  12. Scraptastic is a great idea, thank you for hosting!

  13. This is a really fun link-up. I LOVE that music background on your X blocks!


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