
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Back to sewing, some progress is happening

Modern Stitching Bee top

So now that the 2013 FAL is finished (you can have two days to join in the Q1 2014 FAL fun, go to Katy's blog here), I can focus on just plain old sewing. This weekend I made some more blocks and put together the top of the blocks I received from the talented women in the Modern Stitching Bee. Turns out that asking for these square in square, or economy blocks put me ahead of the curve, as they are now all the rage on instagram. But, now I am debating the borders.

Should I take off those borders and change out the hourglass blocks for ones with three white triangles and only one text/stripe triangle. I should have thought about this harder, what would you do?

Snowfall in progress

I have also gotten started on Snowfall. I am hoping with this latest quilt in my cycles series you might think of a heavy snowfall of big fluffy flakes - the kind that blot out the view so you see twinkles of colours in between. I expect I will stop at 16 circles but maybe I could go up to 25, I am not sure. And yes, she will have matchstick quilting.

Oakshott Italy Bundle

The minute I saw this stunning Italy bundle that Michael from Oakshott sent me just before the holidays, I imagined Snowfall. The Italy fabrics are made up of one thread of grey and one of colour, muted and beautiful.

Oakshott Italy Bundle

Of course, they are also hard to photograph and look even better in person. It feels so calming to work with muted colours after the bold colours in Sunset.

Blue Ice improv block

I spent my sewing time last night making this huge - 24.5" x 18.5" - block for Katy in the Modern Stitching Bee. It is based on the Blue Ice blocks in the Quilting Modern book. I love doing improv, and I need to remember that. It is fun and relaxing with fun and unexpected results. I have a couple of challenge quilts to make before the month's end, and now I know, they will be improv for sure.
           WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

So that is enough of my progress for today, I will link up the WIP Wednesday groups and I hope to have time to check in with the other links there too. You might want to do that too.




  1. The fabric for "snowfall" is gorgeously perfect!

  2. Oh my you have gorgeous projects on the run! The colors in your Snowball quilt are just perfect, calm and totally inviting. Your Bee quilt looks just gorgeous. The ladies did a wonderful job making blocks. I'd hate to create more work for you, but I do think you're totally right that you should have one text triangle and three whites. That said, if you're done piecing, you're done piecing and it will be lovely as it is right now.

  3. I love oakshotts and your cycles series. And you trendsetter, you with your Economy Blocks! I personally like the low-volume/text hourglass blocks just as they are.

  4. Those Oakshots are gorgeous! They'll make such a great quilt!


  5. I love your 'economy block' top. I think you should leave the hourglass blocks. I actually was looking at your top trying to figure out if you had done that as part of the 'economy block' and then put them on point! LOL! It definitely adds another layer of interest.
    And thos oakshotts are GORGEOUS!

  6. Love the Italy Oakshotts - I am sooooo tempted to buy this FQ bundle (I know I will eventually, so really I should just do it now instead of prolonging the agony). Having the colour as the background and the neutral as the circle will be a nice twist on your other circles - and I love your matchstick quilting (even if it does take ages and ages - it's worth it!).

  7. So excited about Snowflake! I really need to try some Oakshotts! And the border question....I agree with Cindy. If you hadn't already sewn all those blocks on, I might have suggested just one print. That being said, it looks terrific as is. Maybe some accent with quilting can 'separate' the economy blocks from the triangles on the very edge...

  8. beautiful projects, Leanne. I love your version of Economy blocks. Love the low volume addition, so perfect!!!

  9. I love your MSB quilt - left my thoughts on the border issue on the Flickr group pic. Snowfall is going to be so wonderful, just watch you don't get snow blindness when doing all that matchstick quilting!

  10. I love the borders just as they are :-D

  11. Nice. I like the space in between those economy blocks and the borders just the way they are. Looking forward your snowfall, great colors.

  12. Oh it's look so grat! :D I must made some of economy block :)

  13. I do have a favourite quilt that is square in a square. This takes it to an whole nother level. LUV it!

  14. The economy block is lovely, it's gorgeous actually! I would leave it as it is...

  15. Well everything is just lovely. Not sure what you should do with the borders of the economy block, but I know whatever you decide will be fabulous!

  16. Both gorgeous quilts; I like the border as is, but if you aren't sure change it so it doesn't niggle you xxx

  17. Love that Square-in-a-Square quilt you are making progress on. Can't say about the border, but I'm with Flying Blind. Sometimes you can't even tell about a border until the endendend, when it's too late, but I'm also of the opinion that Done is Great.

    Love the new circles quilt.


  18. Improv FTW! I love the border too ;o)

  19. I love it all - wouldn't change a thing! Jxo

  20. Snowfall looks beautiful so far. It will be great to see how the varied background colours look with the whole quilt. One day I'd love to see a picture of all the Cycles quilts together.

  21. All the white/low volume prints compliment the pops of color very nicely!!!!!

  22. I love the dimension in the first quilt, so wondeful. I actually like the borders, especially since the dimensional aspect flows out the borders, it really gives a place for the eye to rest for just a minute before it goes back in and looks all those wonderful fabrics in the center. Oh and those Italy fabrics - FABULOUS!! I gotta have some

  23. Hrmmm I think I'd be tempted to leave the border. With a little photoshopping you could see how it would look without the hourglass but just one triangle. Maybe that would help your decision?

    Your cycle series is amazing, and I look forward to watching your progress with this one. Ahhh oakshotts. They are my favorite fabrics ever.

  24. Lovely quilts! Re: the economy blocks border.... Does it bother you? Are you going to keep coming back to it and say I should have changed that? I will admit that at first glance, Before I read what you wrote I did question that bit of the border in my head. However, with longer study, I can see that all the border seems to be lower volume than a number of the internal QST blocks and it is a restful border. Honestly, if it was mine, I would spend the time on quilting to "de-emphasize" that area, rather than redo those blocks and make a mental note to remember next time

  25. Oh, you have some gorgeous Projects to do. Love your economy blocks, hope it is ok, if I use your method for the blocks in between. I think, I cannot make so many for a quilt - too much fussucutting ;-)

  26. I have been behind on my blog reading but so glad I saw your economy blocks and I really like your border!

  27. Trendsetter! I would probably prefer the single point of interest on the hourglass border if it was me making it, but then I'd also not bother because I'm lazy and the blocks have already been made!

  28. Love the economy block quilt the way it is.

  29. Your economy quilt is very pretty. I'm with flying blind though, if it niggles you, change it... or it will always niggle. Another option might be to add another border but this one with 3 text/stripe triangles and only one white? So you've got white diamonds and then a darker edge? Honestly it did make sense in my head before I wrote it down...

  30. I love the bee quilt as is but if it's niggling you then change it. Or make up part of the alternative border and lay it over the current one and see which you prefer before you commit to all that unpicking. I am in love with 'Snowfall' - that's all there is to say about it!!

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  32. Your economy block quilt looks amazing just as it is

  33. I love the mix of the economy blocks and the hourglass blocks, looks awesome! I think the border is perfect!
    And Snowfall is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see more!

  34. I love everything so far. I kinda like the economy block quilt and it's current border. The only thing I might suggest is making a few more of the border hourglass pieces a bit darker, other than that, wouldn't change a thing. Can't wait to see the next in your series quilt finished. It should be serene (I'm already squinting looking for those peeps of color as snowflakes stick to my eyelashes).

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  36. Those Oakshott cottons are to die for and your economy block quilt really looks great. You were ahead of the trend on that one.

  37. Your quilt is really, really lovely. I like your idea of having the outer row be with hourglass blocks with only 1/4 of it the print, but what about making another outer row this way rather than ripping anything out?? Ripping out is such a drag!! And another row would make your quilt a tiny bit bigger and really set off your center. I agree with the other commentors - however you do it, you've got a winner here.

  38. I hope you left that top as is. Love everything about it.


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