
Monday, September 23, 2013

I am often selfish about sewing

Rachel from imagine gnats and Jill from Made with Moxie have declared this week selfish sewing week. This concept intrigues me, as I consider all of my sewing rather selfish. It is time spent doing just what I want to do. And I often make things for me - I even have two different king size quilts for my own bed.

But I like the concept of focusing on making exactly what you want to make for you, not something that is expected or that you promised or that you are somehow otherwise obliged to be working on.


Since I cannot imagine a post without a picture, there is my recovered ironing board. I did it last week, another selfish project. The only person who irons here is me, and I love seeing this bright Echino cheater print on the board. I should have done it ages ago.

People are making lists and lists seem to be working for me right now. I am going to make a tiny list - it is, after all, just one week - just two things:

1. I am going to start an improv or Cycles inspired quilt for me, aiming for 45 - 60" square. Just for fun, not for anything else. Maybe I will finish it this week or maybe not.

2. I am going to pick a knitting pattern, maybe a shawl or scarf or sweater, and start a new knitting project. I am not sure if it will be big or small, but it will be nice and it will be for me.

There you have it, I have other projects to do too, but these two will be new and they will be the selfish ones for this week. Oh and I have a cold/flu too, but I am hoping that it will not get in the way much. Are you going to play along with selfish sewing week too?




  1. Well, I just finished a big quilt, so I may indulge myself with some new fabric ; ) There will be some sewing too

  2. Lovely ironing board cover! Yeah, I generally think of sewing as selfish time too. Even if I'm making something for someone else, it's invariably because I have chosen to do so (and I usually try to make something that I think they will like and that I'll enjoy making!). So, on that basis, I guess I will be doing some selfish sewing this week :-)

  3. Must say I love that board cover! Sure hope you feel better so you can enjoy your selfish projects!!

  4. Great ironing board cover. Sorry to hear you have a cold. If only you had a nice quilt to snuggle up under? Your selfish sewing plans sound like fun, enjoy choosing your knitting pattern!

  5. I was really longing for this week, but now I am so busy, that there will be no time for me.... :(. I will make my very own selfish sewing week maybe two weeks later!

    1. I think I need to get my bee blocks done but I shall enjoy watching what you get up to - good luck Leanne and feel better soon.

  6. Great ironing board cover....I hope you feel better soon!!

  7. Good for you, Leanne! Your new cover looks fun. I do feel the same way about the selfish sewing. It is our time spent doing what we love to do! Hope you are feeling better already and can enjoy the week!

  8. I so agree with you, I sew because I love it and it seems selfish in the best way. I seem to have a stockpile of quilts in the house too because about everyone who could receive a quilt from me has. :). Your ironing board looks great!

  9. Eugh, hope your sucky cold gets better very soon! Love the ironing board cover :-)

  10. Gosh! If anything could make me love ironing, it is your ironing board! Seriously, have loved looking around at all the quilty loveliness in your blog. Inspirational. xCathy

  11. i have so many "selfish" projects started...and my favorite thing to do is steal away and sew sew sew xo love your stuff xo

  12. Think you've inspired me to cover my yucky ironing board cover! Beautiful!

  13. Love your ironing board cover. It would make me smile too.

  14. YES! Selfish Sewing!!! Well...I have kind of abandoned everything else to do the Marcelle Medallion so I guess that is my selfish sewing... Hahahahaaa. Love this ironing board.

  15. Looks like a good list :o) Hope you're feeling better soon!

  16. I totally agree with you that my sewing is always selfish, because it is my hobby and doesn't include anyone else! LOL Feel better soon and your list is totally doable!

  17. I, too, love your ironing board! Was thinking I have a pretty purple panel that might make a cute one...most of my sewing is selfish. I give things away, but most of my time is spent making king quilts for my bed. It's so satisfying to work hard on a quilt and then look at it on the bed every day.


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