
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's Wednesday, what is the work in progress?

3" Ohio Stars

It has been weeks since I posted on Wednesday about my work in progress or any kind of plan for the next week, but today I am doing that. I was able to get back to working with the shiny, beautiful Oakshott Liparis and some grey Essex linen Tuesday night - sorry about the very dark picture. I have several more 3" Ohio stars in progress. These are going to be  something for the holidays - a runner or a wall hanging I think.

Mod Pop in progress

Monday night I sewed, pressed and trimmed the curved units for enough more blocks on my Mod Pop quilt to make two more 4 block chains. I will be piecing those this week. We are trying to complete the quilt tops by December 2 in the Mod Pop QAL and I need to set the pace (people are quilting along with me after all) so I am working hard.

EPP Hexagons for Travellin' Pic Stitch Blog Hop

On Sunday I worked on some more hexies for the improv hexie blob. I also got more pillow inserts so I am hopeful the hexie pillow will be done soon. Don't forget that the Travellin' Pic Stitch Blog Hop link up is November 30.

Liberty Squares

I also am hopeful that this weekend I will be able to clear some floor space and get this Liberty quilt basted. It is my plan to use all those solid squares to practice different free motion quilting motifs but I can't start that until it is backed and basted.

I have a couple sets of bee blocks to get done this weekend. And the last thing on this week's list - let's be clear this is not the last thing by far on my entire WIP list, just all I can possibly imagine getting done this week - is to get to work on my last secret swap in progress - the Bee a {modern} Swapper holiday wrap up swap. I have a really good mini quilt plan for the swap, I just need to get started.

I am going to link up with Lee at Freshly Pieced's WIP Wednesday and also with the Canadians at the Needle and Thread Network's WIP Wednesday - the buttons are over on the right side bar of this blog. You will find inspiration and beautiful work on display in both of those groups, I hope you will visit them and link too up your work in progress too.

If you are having Thanksgiving this week, I wish you a lovely holiday.




  1. You juggle better than anyone I know! So many great projects on the go.

  2. The colours of your Liberty quilt absolutely glow!

  3. You have some wonderful projects on the go. Di x

  4. So many amazing projects! And all at once, whoah!

  5. Seriously loving your Liberty quilt top Leanne - a whole host of beautiful projects.

  6. Oh can't wait to see your fmq on the liberty lovely!

  7. Great projects Leanne. I sooo love that Mod Pop!

  8. All of these project look fantastic! I especially love your Oakshott stars and your Mod Pop!!

  9. Wow!
    You have no time to be reading this!

  10. Boy you are going gung ho! Love the little stars you've started. Looking forward to seeing your mod pop progress too!

  11. Lots of lovelies there L! Esp. like your liberty quilt. Jxo

  12. wow, I am loving all you projects! Those solid hexies are fantastic. I just want to throw my patterned ones in the trash and start over:)

  13. You are actually making my eyes pop out of my head. Amazing colour work and clean, clean piecing. Am in love.

  14. Love that pop art quilt! Aw but then when I was a teen ager, every 'hip' teen had that wallpaper in their bedroom, but not me, my Ma said it made her dizzy!

  15. 3" Ohios! Wow! I'm impressed. :D That's going to be cool. Love your other projects, too.

  16. Love the Mod Pop and the Liberty quilts. Such yummy colors!

  17. Great looking stars Mod Pod

  18. You're a wonder. Now hexagons. oye! Nice colour scheme though!

  19. Oooh, love the cute wee Oakshotts. Good luck with your basting and have fun with the quilting :o)

  20. I really like the blues with the liberty fabrics. It looks great but so do all your other projects too :)

  21. Your Mod Pop quilt is fantastic. Love the colours. Can'twait to see it finished.

  22. Wow you get a lot done Leanne!

    Looking forward to seeing your quilting sampler - make sure you get some great photos as I want to see the detail - please!

  23. So many super projects. Oh those little Ohio Stars are so sweet.

  24. Lovely work with Solids- I have not played much with them.
    I love your small print quilts too- very pretty.
    Hope you have enjoyed the blog athon and are meeting lots of new quilty friends.
    Regards from Edmonton,


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