
Friday, November 2, 2012

Farewell October

October 2012

Looking back at my mosaic, I can see that I mostly worked on swaps, bees, a challenge and the Mod Pop QAL last month.

I did manage to make progress on the Finish-A-Long as the Mouthy Stitches Bag is my first finish off my list and the Liberty Squares quilt is moving along. But if I am going to really get anywhere on that crazy list I will need to step up the pace a bit. And it is time to figure out if there will be holiday sewing or knitting too. Oh, and a couple or three blog hops to get ready for.

By the way, my Mouthy Stitches Bag and key fob have arrived safely in Australia and my internet friend Susan at Patchwork n Play was happy to get them, so that is another swap successfully all done.

November is going to be busy, but as the long dark nights arrive hopefully too will come the urge to make nice warm quilty things. If only I can get rid of this stupid cold quickly.

If you head over to Lynne's Fresh Sewing Day linkup you can see what everyone else did as they enjoyed the autumn/spring this year.

Lily's Quilts



  1. Sorry you've had that nasty cold too! October looked ok for you, but mentioned Finish-it-Up scared me just a tiny bit!! ;-/

  2. I hope that cold doesn't hang around too long! Lots of my friends have had the 100 day cough- its dreadful! Love my tote!

  3. Boo to winter colds! Mosaic full of beauties again.

  4. I especially like that little pincushion. What a beauty. I mostly worked on bee and swap items this month too. Also in anticipation of getting those wrapped up to move on to something more fulfilling - I have several quilt tops ready for quilting.

  5. That darn cold is getting about a bit! Hope you shake it off soon! Looks like you had a great month Leanne! Lots of pretties!

  6. It's always lovely to see your monthly mosaics Leanne. I like the look of those solid chevrons! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  7. Oooh 9 and 10 (first two on third row) are absolutely LUSH, I love them!! Really hope that rotten cold clears up soon tho. x

  8. Oh no, the lurgy strikes again! I hope it goes soon...
    You've had a month of gorgeous projects - you've got such a good eye for shape and colour, I'm quite envious!

  9. Your mosaic for the month is terrific. It makes me feel ecstatic to see your mosaic of projects for the next month. I bet it will be much better and beautiful.
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  10. wow - beautiful work - hope you get better soon!

  11. October was a gorgeous sewing month for you, Leanne! Love these pictures. Hope you're feeling better!

  12. You did a lot in October. Do you know a good tutorial for a herringbone quilt. My son wants one. I'll email you his inspiration photo.


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