
Saturday, June 9, 2012

A new project and so long to May

May 2012

My May wrap up for Fresh Sewing Day hosted by Lynne at Lily's Quilts is fashionably late. Not a lot of projects but two of them are large -60" x 60" - quilts, so I am good with what I accomplished in May. Especially since I missed a week of sewing in May while in London.

Lily's Quilts

Lynne keeps the link open for a whole month, which is a good thing. There is plenty of inspiration linked there, if you have a chance to visit.

Large Dresden

I have been impatiently awaiting the release of Sweetwater's new fabric line Mama Said Sew, and when I got home from London the bundle I had fortuitously found for sale on the internet was waiting for me. I wanted to make something fun that was both modern and traditional, sort of like this fabric.

Some dresden circles

So at 4 a.m. this morning - still jet lagged, not on my own time at all - I was wide awake and sewing. I have decided to play with dresdens.

There have been many inspirations for this:  I have wanted to get back to playing with dresdens since my Party Rings quilt which I made as part of the Lily's Quilts QAL last year, my friend Linda Rotz Miller has been making the most amazing dresden quilts in the last few weeks, and now the Salt Lake Modern Quilt Guild is sponsoring the EZ Dresden Challenge (there are great prizes, go and see).

Since I have made no decision on how I will piece the dresdens into the background (set in the curves or applique or maybe some will be portholes) and I have not even decided on the background fabric yet, I am sewing them into quarter circles for now.

Today is a beautiful day, I am going to sew and work in my small yard and maybe finish unpacking and hang out with my family. And I have some really great bee blocks to finish. I think it will be a great weekend, I hope you have a good one too.




  1. Love that fabric range and the dresdens look wonderful. But more importantly, I do hope you get over the jet lag soon.

  2. The dresdens look great! I think I love pretty much anything that Sweetwater puts out.

    Hope you get to rest and recover soon.

  3. Looking good so far - wow. I need to settle down and try my hand as some dresdens too....Have a great weekend!

  4. Nothing like a bit of sewing to make the most of jet lag! These look great x

  5. What a great month you've had...everything looks so wonderful. Hope you get un-jetlagged soon.

  6. I love how you nonchalantly throw in, not a lot, just a couple of quilts! I can count 3 there BTW!

    Loving your new Dresdens, and you've got to have a porthole in there somewhere :oD

  7. Jet lag is a bummer, but at least you've something wonderful to show for it! Gorgeous dresdens and gorgeous fabric! Jxo

  8. Really love the Mama said Sew! Love that you've gotten stuck into sewing the second you got home too... lol

  9. Missing a week of sewing was well worth it meeting you in London Leanne! It did mean you could do some sewing in making my badge for me! Thank you again, you saved the day!

  10. Great makes for May and June is shaping up pretty well too! I love what you are doing with the dresdens. The fabric looks great!

  11. Hope you are feeling more on real time soon and I love your makes for May!

  12. I've just given in and ordered a few prints from that range, it's such a fab bunch of fabrics! Love your dresdens, can't wait to see how the finished project turns out.

  13. You did a lot in your short month of May. I love the Sew Mama Sew fabric, too

  14. I love your 'May' mosaic - so many pretty things! The Dresdens are also looking mighty fine!

  15. Love the Dresdens - am only catching up now with a bit of reading - but it was lovely to meet you Leanne at FQR!


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