
Friday, March 2, 2012

Ta ta February - the sunshine is returning

February 2012

It seems I did a lot of sewing in February, for such a short and dark month. Oh and I did cheat in that mosaic, the Blue Quilt, the very last one, was made a couple of years ago, but since I showed it off last post I thought I would just sneak it in. Most of these projects are for swaps, bees and presents.

Lily's Quilts

I am linking my monthly progress with Lynne from Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day. If you hop over there you can see what many other lovely bloggers have been up to in February.

Here are some handy tote bags. Sarah from Fairyface Designs is running a wonderful series of beginning sewing tutorials and my tote bag tutorial went up yesterday, click here if you want to check it out. I used French seams for strength and nicer looks in the unlined version of the bag, so if you have not used them or need a refresher you might find it helpful.

FairyFace Designs

And my Leap Day Superior Threads give away is still open until the end of Saturday night. Click here to enter.

Superior King Tut thread

As I have been writing these monthly posts this winter I have been complaining about the darkness. I am excited to note that sunrise today will be at 7:18 a.m. and sunset will be at 6:15 p.m.. On January 2 this year it was 8:50 a.m. and 4:26 p.m.. So the sunshine in my day has increased from 7 hours 35 minutes to 10 hours 56 minutes.

That is an improvement of 3.5 hours of sunlight between January and now, which, for me, makes March a very welcome month - even if it seems to be bringing snow and winter temperatures with it.

I hope you have a lovely Friday.




  1. You made some lovely things!! Love that quilt second over in the top row :)

  2. where are you at exactly that you only have 3.5 hours of sunlight??? closer to the pole than idaho apparently! ;) lovely makes!

  3. Lovely makes, and hoping that pouch is winging its way to me xxx

  4. Some really gorgeous makes Leanne, as usual your solids work especially impresses me :-)

  5. Hooray for spring! You certainly had a productive month L! Love the tote bags! Jxo

  6. I sew that beautiful sewing machine cover again...I want!

  7. What a great month it's been for you!!

    We have also been enjoying the longer days. We were outside playing soccer with the kids last night at 6:15pm and it was still light outside. Woohooooo!

  8. You have had a great month Leanne.
    We have been lulled into a false sense of security here with Spring like warm weather.alas it is set to turn cold again but the days are getting longer.x

  9. You've had a great month, and love the bags you made for the tute. My, you gets lots of daylight in winter, I actually got to watch the sunset around 2:30 pm back in January o.O

  10. An amazing month of stunning makes. I really can`t wait to see what you bring us this month Leanne - you really are an inspiration.

  11. Goodness! I can't believe that in January the sun does not get up til nearly 9am and then is gone by 4.30!! No wonder you love March!! Great makes BTW!! If I only needed another tote bag..... Oh, alright!

  12. Leanne, what a great and productive month you had. Love all your project, and that pouch with tiny blocks is just amazing!

  13. Hooray for more sunshine! And for an incredibly productive month.

  14. Awesome projects, Leanne! Love seeing that kaleidoscope in there AND your latest little triangle quilt - love that quilting! Yay for your tutorial being featured!

  15. I actually had to put my sunglasses on the other day!!
    Beautiful makes, I aim for my mosaics to one day look as good as yours!


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