
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday - I'm on island time.

Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt - Aug 3

Here are my Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt blocks so far. I have 14 done. A bit behind, this week should be 18, but now that I am back to sewing, I should be able to catch up soon.

Snowball - #81 Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt

This one is Snowball, #81. I love the simplicity of the snowball block, one day it alone will make a wonderful quilt.

Whirlpool - #102 Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt

This one is Whirlpool, #102. I used water colours to add to the effect.

Clay's Choice - Mystery Quilt QAL

I am also catching up on the Mystery Quilt QAL. This block is called Clay's Choice.

Friendship Stars - Mystery Quilt QAL

I am sure you recognize Friendship Stars. I so love the friendship star block, I am going to start a quilt of these soon.

Mystery Quilt QAL blocks - Aug 3

Here are my Mystery Quilt blocks so far. I am not yet finished the most recent instructions, so even with this progress I am still behind.

Aqua and Orange Bee

These are my blocks for Alix for my Twelve Month Quilting Bee. These blocks are called garden fence and a tutorial is here at Hyacinth Quilts.

I have many other projects to get to work on, but living on an island for the month means that I am working on being more laid back (clearly something I need more practice at). I will update you as I go, but I am not stressing about it today.

I am linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced. Please go and see what everyone is up to, I am looking forward to catching up with all the wonderful work that is always there.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced




  1. Oh these blocks are all fantastic! I love your fabric and colour choices!

  2. Oh my land, I love ever single picture on this post!!! ALL of your blocks look amazing!!!

  3. Island time is good...... Your blocks look great.

  4. I love your use of white in your blocks,it gives a lovely fresh look. I'm not up to 18 yet either.

  5. Oh, the island life sounds good right about now! Great blocks - every one!

  6. Good to hear you're not stressing! Your blocks are beautiful, I can see why you would want to remake some as whole quilts. I esp. like garden fence, so modern and fresh. Jxo

  7. Your mystery quilt blocks are GORGEOUS. Love the colors. And you're really coming along on Farmer's Wife, too! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  8. We are at the same place with our Mystery Blocks. I will be posting about mine later tonight. Thanks for sharing yours because they are gorgeous!!!

  9. All the blocks are so good. Checking out the tutorial to the garden fence as soon as I'm done with this. Thanks! :)
    Spending a whole month on an island! Wow!

  10. I love the colours you've chosen for Farmer's Wife. They are so vibrant.

    A month on an island sounds like pure bliss. Have room for one more? :)

  11. Love your FW blocks. I have refused to get bitten by the bug because I already have so much going on but I can see that I will have to do this one before it's all said and done.


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