
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spring is here - progress slows!

Mystery Quiltalong, block 1

This is my first block for the Mystery Quilt quilt along. This one is large - 18.5" square. I hear rumours that not all the blocks are not all going to be so big and some will be small (4" was hinted at). The group of quilters quilting along are very talented and very silly so I am having a lot of fun. You could join too, it is a nice pace, a new block every fortnight (every two weeks for those of us who don't speak Brit)

Bella Solids QAL blocks

I am also having fun making colourful tiny blocks, loosely following, inspired by, the Bella Parade quilt along.

Bella Solids QAL blocks

These are about 2.5" square, and the original pattern asks for 12 of them. I am going to make a bunch and then see what I make. I am hoping to use all the colours in the Bella Parade bundle.

Bella Solids QAL blocks

Now that it is finally spring, sewing is going to slow for a bit around here. I have to go out of town and I have to take my sewing machine in for a tune up, so I am going to do both at the same time. I hope to get a chance to do a little sewing while I am away, and I will be able to knit. I have a plan, I am going to cut up some bits of fabrics and put together a hexagon kit tonight to take along!

I am linking to WIP Wednesday, I hope you have a chance to look at all the projects there - I always enjoy them.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced




  1. Great idea about the hexie kit! I've been thinking about doing the exact same thing! I love the fabrics you used in the mystery quilt along! Too pretty!

  2. I love the solids blocks you're putting together, I've never worked with just solids before but you're inspiring me to try! They look just lovely, and so does your mystery block! Happy WiP Wednesday :)

  3. I love that quilt along square! And your tiny ones - SO cute!! I can't wait to see what they become!!

  4. Yes, hexies travel well! Fun little Bella solid blocks! Look forward to seeing what you do with them!

  5. The mystery block is very pretty! And I love all those colorful little blocks, those are so much fun. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  6. The is a pretty block! Love your minis too.

  7. Very cute solids! A mysetery QAL sounds like fun!

  8. Thanks for the link Leanne - all are welcoe to join in the Mystery - I am having fun with it.........

  9. Great blocks, especially like the wonky star one. Hope you have a lovely trip. Jxo

  10. I like the fabrics in your big block quilt. I am going away this summer and put together some hexies to work on because I won't have a sewing machine available. I need to keep my sanity somehow.

  11. mystery block fabric is very pretty...I like the softness of it.

  12. Fabric for your mystery block is lovely!

  13. I love the fabric in the mystery block and those squares are awesome. Can't wait to see that quilt finished!

  14. I love that block in the top photo! Gorgeous muted colours.

  15. I really like your mystery block. I hope to see more!


  16. love the tiny squares! can't wait to see how you put them together!

  17. I'm taking hexies with me when I go away for the weekend, and maybe some crochet too.
    They are very pretty fabrics that you have chosen for the mystery quilt. i love your tiny blocks too.

  18. Lovely first block in the mystery quilt along!


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