
Saturday, March 12, 2011

please allow me to introduce myself

Well, I guess I will give blogging a try. I enjoy the inspiration I get from reading other bloggers and so maybe my quilting adventures will be interesting too. Please bear with me as I get my bearings in the blogging universe. 

Also, quilting is a new passion for me. I also knit all the time. I am sure that knitting projects will find there way here too. 

Oh, and about me. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with my family and pets. When I am not working at my busy, demanding, stressful, fulfilling, exciting, (insert adjective here) day job, I try to fit as much quilting time in as I can. I also have to fit in time with my kids, exercise, volunteer work, gardening, shopping, renovations, and whatever life throws our way, so the quilting time is variable. However, I am loving the quilting I am able to do and maybe sharing it will make it even more fun.

Recently I made a quilt for one of my sons. He wanted a red quilt, so I made him City Tracks which is a pattern by Cherry House in her City Quilts book. Here is a close up, I will share more about this quilt later, and by then I will figure out how to post a link to this excellent book.




  1. Hi Leanne, the quilt looks great.
    Please let me know if you'd like some help with posting the link - I could try to explain :)

  2. Hi Leanne, I have similar problems fitting quilting time in! The red quilt looks great :)

  3. Hi! I'm liking the look of that quilt... I've been looking at that City Quilts book (well, not looking thru it, just looking at the cover) and wondering if I should get it. Would you recommend it?

  4. Hi! Welcome to the world of blogging! I stopped by after seeing your beautiful blocks in the Blogger's Block-a-palooza Flickr pool. Are you using a line of fabrics or pulling from your stash? The colors are beautiful!

  5. Hi! I found you from the Lily's Quilts Flickr group, and welcome to the blogging community! Your quilt is lovely and I can't wait to see your QAL.

  6. Hi! I came here from Lily's QAL. Nice to see your new blog! I think your quilt is so nice and bright. I have been looing at the City Quilts book, too :)

  7. Welcome, welcome. I am fairly new at this as well, but let me tell you, it is been a wonderful experience. It so great to meet you!

  8. Nice first post! Quite a nice journey you've been on in just two years!

  9. Hi Leanne! Did not know until now that you are also a Canadian. Sew glad you started blogging way back when now. Love seeing your first quilt, made with love, for your son!


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